My own favourites

My Recipes/Favourites page is not showing my own private recipes under favourites anymore. I guess that is an intended change? I use it to mark which of my own recipes I still need to mix. Can you make it an option “show own recipes in favourites”?

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still working for me…
sure you have favorites? what happens if you make a new recipe a favorite?

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Ah, it’s only hiding private recipes.

To prevent losing a recipe that someone decides to make private, I usually click on “adapt” and save it in my own list as a private recipe with which I can play to change quantities, percentages and ratios.

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Click on hide private recipes to see them again.


Thanks! Was that checkbox there all the time?!


No wait, just tried it, that only shows/hides My Recipes, but My Favourites is still showing only public recipes.

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This is a side effect of one of the performance tweaks I made recently.


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You are awesome! :smile: