Need a cheap dripper

So @Lostmarbles recommended this:

I’m thinking about getting it, but i see multiple version of it. Does anyone know what the differences would be with it compared to the B and C versions?

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I didn’t see @Lostmarbles in this post???

The main difference is in the little extras that you get (o-rings, extra screws, wire, wick etc) I originally ordered the same one in black and now I’m ordering it in SS. If you order it make sure you wash it well before your first coil. Mine was clean but many I’ve orderedin the past have machine oil on them and it tastes NASTY if you inhale it.
Whichever you buy, I hope you enjoy it!

Yup, I was there. How’s it going?

This is the one I bought originally. This one comes with an optional center feed pin (which I have never used). It’s a great RDA!


Thanks for the info. I’ll be getting one of those this weekend. As far as wire goes, would it be better to get Clapton wire or double, triple, or quad twisted Kanthal as opposed to standard Kanthal? The coils I wanna make would be .5 ohms on the low side, and 1.2 max. I wanna get as much flavor as possible.

I suppose that would depend on your mod. I’m not an expert on coils but what I’ve found works for me on a simple build is twisted 32 then twisted around a 26g kanthal. a single 9 wrap parallel 26g kanthal is perfect for flavor.
Claptons are great but make sure your battery is strong if you are going dual coils or the ramp up time might make you crazy if you get inpatient (as I do).
if you want good flavor I’d go with a simple Titanium build (dual coil 26g 6 wrap 3mm ID = 0.15 ohms).
I believe @jimk suggested watching youtube videos on coil building. I second that as you’ll learn a lot. Search “coil build on Velocity RDA” I’m sure you find something interesting. Between YT and our resident coil masters here on ELR, I’ve picked up quite a bit.
Be safe and use an ohm meter if you aren’t used to making sub-ohm coils. Also try this website, it is invaluable when building sub-ohm coils.

Sorry for the long-winded response.


Gotcha. I’ve been watching all kinds of videos. Thank god for the youtubes. I’ll just be using an istick 30 for the time being. Until I get good at it I’ll prolly keep it as simple as possible. Probably just get some 28g or 26g Kanthal or titanium.

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That’s a no brainer… Titanium wire.

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I think the iStick 30 has a .4ohm limit.

So if you were going with 28g wire in a dual coil setup you’d need
5 wraps per coil on a 2.5mm rod to get about .4-.5ohms.

With 26g it would require 8 wraps per coil.


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I picked up my velocity rda clone for around $12. It’s a 1:1 clone and I love it. Better then paying $100+ for the real one.


This thread hasn’t been visited in a bit, so hopefully those of you “in the know” will see it and respond.

I’m thinking about trying to drip more than I have. Been using the same drippers for a good while (Freakshow, Plume Veil, Dark Horse, Veritas…only for testing mixes) and I’m thinking I would like to try something new. I’ve never been one to spend much money on these things simply because of their simplistic nature. Those $100 drippers…someone is laughing all the way to the bank.

I don’t really have a tight budget, and don’t mind spending a little more if it means getting better quality in both build and function. I see a lot of people mention the Velocity clone. Is that still an excellent choice or would you recommend something different. While I don’t have a tight budget, I also don’t see spending more than say $30-40 on one.

I like to get at least 20 (sometimes I can go for 40min.) minutes of vape on my deep well drippers before I drip. Might want to check out the Origin V2’s and Magma clones. These devices (built at non subohm) are right for me.

I loved the flavor I got with my Mad Hatter and was completely happy with it but I was ordering a bunch of junk from Fastek and decided to throw a Velocity clone in with the order. I haven’t use any of my other RDAs since I got it.

Juice wells are huge, it’s super easy to build on and lots of adjustment for airflow. I put a smaller drip tip on it and the flavor is incredible. I wouldn’t hesitate buying another.

Edited to add that I see they finally have the authentic Velocity in stock again. If I had the money I would love to buy one but 115 is a little to pricey for me. Maybe Santa will bring me one :smile:

Edited again … Shit, now they are out of stock. I swear they had them yesterday when I was looking at them.

I don’t drip very much, but when I do it’s on my velocity clone. I think it’s best tank I own. Easy to build and a lot of airflow options. It also has a good size juice well. I think it’s a must have in any rda collection.

Who are they selling to…NASA? $115 for a little chunk of metal is outrageous. I actually may grab a few RDA clones just to throw in a drawer, you know, in preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse. :slight_smile: When that day comes even the clones might cost a pretty penny.

Hey thanks guys for your input. I’m going to grab a few of these mentioned next shopping session.
