Need assistance

Will do, appreciate it!


Agreed with @delltrapp, @Todd_M. Shakey shakey …


You would be SURPRISED @Dan_the_Man. I have helped countless mixers with varying issues, and I am always surprised when I ask to see their NIC, and many just toss a big jug into the fridge, or some even let sit out at room temp. I never dictate what anyone SHOULD do, but I can tell them what I DO, and why I do it, and hope it helps them out.


You gals and guys are all awesome. Just wanted to say that.


Im not 100pct sure …I have my extra nicotine in a freezer . When I bring it out i put it in a refriderator where i store my flavors and my opened nicotine. Vg nicotine get very thick but does not freeze and needs a little time to unthicken ( is unthicken a word) it should be the same consistency as your VG base , Pg based nicotine also thickens while in freezer but not so much that you can’t shake it and use it …


I ordered the PG based nicotine its seem to be the winner in most of the responses, and the reasons make good sense. I’m sure I’ll make mistakes but I’m excited. Now the hard part…waiting.


Great…Thats what i use as well , I do have 500ml of VG based but that was an accident . Good Luck , read , research and ask then you will be fine …


@Todd_M 100% PG NIC will be the easiest to work with. If you have never handled high MG NIC, you should take some safety precautions before you do. Nothing wrong with wearing safety glasses, or at least gloves at a bare mininum, and get ready for a spill JUST in case it happens. Keep away from kids, pets, etc.


Been mixing for over 5 years and just had my first spill 120ml of Salt Nic smfh…first spill ever so it DOES happen


@fidalgo_vapes I think the first and only one I had was shocking, breaking down a liter of 100mg NIC into I think 120ml bottles. NIC was fully shaken, but just out of freezer. Poured into the bottles, leaving maybe 1/4" of headroom, capped, continued filling other bottles, and before I got done, I heard a “popping” noise. I’m like “WTF” !!!. I see a few of the caps actually popped off. WTF ??. Didn’t think PG expanded at all when warming, but something did. Rushing to get all the bottles in ziplocks, and a few “clinked” together, and they broke !!! NICE little mess of 100mg.

LEARNED from that, and now leave almost an inch of headroom now (sometimes more), top off with Argon to displace ALL the air, cap, tape, and ziplock, and have NEVER had an issue.

Luckily I was prepared for it.


I still use a syringe to add Nicotine …Its the only thing I don’t weigh. I stuck my syringe in started drawing up the nic and my hand spazed or something and BOOM …I wasnt worried , I was pissed lmao…I always have my cheese cloth rags handy …But man i was pissed . I dont use Salt Nic but other people do so I think I was mad at who ever i was mixing for as well LMAO


Great story :slightly_smiling_face:


Will do, I also purchased some smaller amber glass bottles to transfer the nicotine for storage in the freezer and I will wear gloves at least for while till I become more experienced. My kids are all adults now but the Grand sons do visit so I’ll be very careful about access.


I “spilled” about 1/2 gallon of VG. I filled my smaller bottle from the jug, and I set the jug on it’s side on top of my cabinet. In the morning it had leaked all over my microwave, toaster and can opener because I didn’t tighten the cap all the way. Do you have any idea how hard that is to clean up? That stuff doesn’t dry either. I found a puddle of it under my fridge a month later.


That’s the main reason I don’t use glass for my nicotine. I know people say it’s best but when they break, you’re up shitcreek with all that mess of nicotine mixed with splinters of glass everywhere.


Well, the issue was my fault, and the bottles were pressurized lol, and it was a mess to clean up. I’ve researched about every other possible option for long term storage, and all seemed to have issues with leaching, air penetration, etc., so I am unaware of any other long term storage method @Josephine_van_Rijn. What are you storing yours in ? Right now, I must have at least 60 bottles on ice, and no issues, knock on wood lol.


I just use plastic bottles my dear. I rather run a risk of leaching and air penetration than having my clumsy, big hands knocking shit over or dropping it.

I’m more worried about my pets than my nicotine. So far I haven’t had any issues with deteriorating nicotine.
Not as far as I know anyway, if I have and didn’t notice… :woman_shrugging:


Hehe, roger that @Josephine_van_Rijn, I’m sure clumsy will meet me soon enough, JUST as soon as I stop overfilling my bottles that is !!!



I couldn’t agree more, and I tried to stress that to our new mixer friend, just in case, so it’s all out in the open. I basically only break down liters or gallons solo. No wife, no pets, no one allowed when I’m doing that. Controlled environment, with, hehe spill protection.


Another noob question? What’s the difference between TFA/TPA?