Need help finding spooled coil wire

I have been on the prowl for affordable good quality spools of specialty wire like Alien, Fused clapton, braided and other such foolishness. Problem is that $15 average for 15’ is murder on my fixed income.
Ideas anyone?
@Skullblade789 @Lexie3


Sounds about right. Good quality wires over at
Code AVS can bring it down by 20%. Fast free shipping when you spend $20 too. And no, I’m not affiliated with them, just had a nice experience so far.

You can always build your own or head over to fasttech or the likes for cheaper alternatives.

I got the this one to try different builds

Still have plenty left since November. They do last quite a while so it’s not that bad IMHO.


So wait let me get this right, your way to busy to do any research but you live on a fixed income?


Thanks! lol I ordered some single strand N80 for builds like fused claptons from Kidney Punch which is good Swiss made stuff from a good vendor. I have been coil building since 2013 but would need much practice to make aliens. It’s cheaper to buy a new desk vise and drill clamp than get 3 spools of specialty stuff. I have a couple things sitting in the Advanced shopping cart but I’m hemming and hawing over that. I’ll probably just get more braided 6 strand as it’s a favorite great performer. I’ll monitor this thread until I pull the trigger maybe next week.
Thanks again!

@craigtalley I will keep my eyes open as I shop, but others will be more of a help than me :flushed:
@TW12 might might be able to help he seems to always know good deals!


I’ll be watching here, vendor topic and run a search until I’m out of my Vertbraid. It will be worth waiting to save on 5 different spools. I do like that Advanced brand and the discount adds up to $16 right now.


Honestly, look at Amazon or Kidney Puncher. Advanced is a solid company. Explain your situation and they may help you.


If u are from uk or can wait a few days.
they have loads of wire. Premade. or grabb yourself a set of swivels and som core wire with outerwrap and make your own :slight_smile: i promise it´s not that hard :slight_smile: if u get problem with making your own fused claptons. send a pm and i´ll fix a video to show how i do it.


I’ve purchased wire and pre-wrapped and prebuilt coils from Fasttech for awhile now. If it says “Authentic” it is. Just make sure you only order something that says “in stock” or “ships next day” and choose epacket shipping. Most of my orders (except this last one…Holiday orders are the worst) get to me in about two weeks.


Demon Killer makes Alien, Fused Clapton though they’re made with high gauge wire…
there are also some spools for fused made by Geekvape…
i haven’t seen any braided wire spools or premade coils until now… tbh i haven’t checked for it anyway… i am more on fused and alien coils…

but the best way is building your own wire m8… get some stools, and try learning to make the wire types you like on your own… it can’t be cheaper than it… but remember that no matter what you will need a lot of wire for doing that… for example making a 1m simple clapton for example… usually the wrap wire needs to be 3 times longer than the core… but in any case it can be much cheaper and make it in the way you like it :slight_smile:


Thanks for the direction!
Right now I’m just overwhelmed with taking care of the home and my disabled wife. I’m getting woefully behind on the home and for all the right reasons will stick with my own coils and juice. The prices are too high for retail products.
I have about 20’ feet of Fused 28/34 that I made with the drill and swivel method for my TVF4s and now looking for premade spools for my Aromamizer like the Advanced Vertibraid that I like a lot.
It all work out getting time, as invariably I get breaks to read about, make and maintain vape stuff.
I’m sure it will come down to making more of my own and I ordered a good bit of single wire from Kidney Punch.

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I’ll look into that! I only bought parts and steals from FT and 3fvape in the past and didn’t realize they had spools.

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Thank you very much, I did setup the drill and swivels like you said and wrapped some lengths of clapton. i
If you already have a video I would surely make use of it. :grin:

I was going to mention Fasttech too. Example, ten feet for $4.20.


That’s exactly what I need! I’m going for that deal. It’s half of the Advanced stuff I was going to get in the end if something didn’t break. Thanks to both of you @JoJo

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i heard peps use for 25’ and up spools, ni80, kanthal


I have the first version of this device and it makes fused Clapton wires easily. With the improvements on this new one, the Daedalus Pro, you should be able to make fused Claptons and much more. However, at nearly $60 it might be out of your price range, but I thought I’d share just in case you missed it! :slight_smile:
fasttech has it for $44.43/free shipping


Daedalus is an awesome machine. really nice for beginners. because u can use it for various stuff.

i can let u know that if your chuck breaks (mine did) a normal drill chuck will fit on it.
i dont use the coilwinder buth i use the Motor alot when making more advanced coils when i dont need speed.


Doing home health care for my wife leaves little for a great device like that. Still what I spent for diy cigarettes was double my vape budget. I now use a stipend from a business that I care for their servers and MS software so I may skip a couple months of other vape gear and do the Dadaleus.
Thanks! :grin:

I have the Daedalus, and yes it is cool and handy! But if you’re buying spools of FC then there’s really no need…

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