Need Help with flavour

Hello guys! I am vaping for 4 years now! Started straight into diy and almost never bought ready ejuice. Last year i was in the army and i couldnt create my own eliquids so i bought dinner lady lemon sherbet shake and vape and i was shocked by the ammount of flavour i was feeling in my mouth. My recipes never had this flavour and i am constanly trying to test new recipes but everytime its like muted. What am i doing wrong? im desperate.

Own: drop dead dripper
obs crius 2
kangertech subtank mini and some others that i dont use anymore.


So, I started vaping with commercial juice. And after DIY my own, I realized that commercial juice are actually over flavoured over sweetened juice.

The reason (IMHO) for that punch of flavour you’re getting from it is that you dont mix with that much flavour, percentage wise, so it shocked your palate.

I also remember I would get vapor tongue more often when I vape commercial juice compare to after I made my own.


I agree 100% that most commercial vendors load their eliquid with sweeteners. If you’re just starting out with DIY it’s what’s missing from most profiles. I still like my DIY sweet and still add sweetener to it even after four years of mixing. It’s a personal preference and if that’s what you need to make your DIY happy, then I’m all for it … maybe not 15% sweetener into it LOL but yeah I get the sweet tooth craving they miss.


thank you very much for your replies! I never used sweeteners cause i read that they destroy coils but i think its the time i must start using them.


They will require more frequent cotton changes and coil cleaning, that is true. If you do start to use them, start out low and work up fro there as you prefer, so you minimize the coil killin’ effects.


thank you for the advise! can u tell me what is the maximum percentage of flavour that i should use to get this mouth filling flavour? im confused with all these recipes. one uses 5% another 25% :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t know that particular one, sorry.


That’s where the SFT (single flavor testing) phase of DIY comes in. You can’t determine what percentage of a flavor you will like without sitting down and testing each one individually and taking notes as you go. Everyone has different taste buds. I don’t have links right now but advise you do a search on the topic for SFT methods that appeal to you.


People generally say that commercial juice is overloaded with sweeteners but I’ve seen a few recipes and I wasn’t impressed with the amount of additional sweetening. There are recipes that don’t even use additional sweeteners because they opt for flavors that are naturally sweet but the ones I’ve seen are a bit on par with what you see here on ELR.

If you look around in the recipes / clones threads, as well as on reddit, you’ll find a lot of recipes that have been discontinued and have been released to the public.

For example
etc etc

Studying those recipes might give you an idea of how other mixers (pro and diy) achieve certain things. Knowledge of flavors and their workable ranges is also very helpful so see how far you can push them… so find some small bottles and do some flavor testing. Initially a flavor will give very little flavor, it’ll build up the more concentrate you use and at a certain point it will start muting or give you off flavors (soapy, floral, burnt rubber, … depends on the concentrate).
This video is part of a series and shows how you can quickly guage what you can get out of a flavor. Once you get your range, let a few different bottles with different strengths steep to see how the flavor develops and maintains (or not).

(these techniques work across manufacturers, not only for flavorah)


Yes I am going there… that damn sft again :wink:


oh my god, not again … :rofl:


As far as flavor percentages that also comes down to using a mouth to lung tank or sub ohm since you’re worried about coils I’m guessing you don’t build. Most of the 5 star rated recipes on ELR from 2015 2016 etc were made for mouth to lung tanks so maybe start there :star_struck:


im building of course! I had another problem as i was creating eliquids with very thick vg without knowing that i can dilute it with water for injection and my coils were holding 3 days maximum before rewicking. Now i solved this problem by diluting it.


How do you do that if I may ask?


i am buying vg from an online pharmacy. Its very thick and i buy also water for injection small bottles of 10 ml. I add 90ml of vg and 10 ml of water for injection and vg becomes the same consistency as pg!


Yeah I’m leaving this for someone who understands. I’ve seen messages about this on reedit and vaping underground but this is WAY out of my wheelhouse.


thank you very much for your responses and u helped me a lot! :slight_smile: i need that excange of knowledge cause im leaving in a small village of an island in greece and noone really vapes arround so i cant excange something…


you mean saline?


yes i think saline its the right word!


Don’t be like me and try to vape cola. Stupid! It was a dripper or it would have simply leaked out of the tank. But it was terrible! Ah, dumb me.