I am needing to get a new mod for my step daughter for a Christmas present.
Her iStick has died and is currently using my old iStick, but wants to switch to 18650’s.
She has used my x-cube and although she likes it (mainly for the color display) dislikes it’s size in her hand. She has also used my Sigelei 150 tc, but I would rather her get something different to use.
Looking for something that takes 2 18650’s so she has the battery life over just a single battery. She normally vapes at low wattage (under 15w) and uses a .5 atomizer in a kanger subtank. She doesn’t plan on changing her vaping style to TC or wattage.
I’ve looked at a few options, but thought I’d just throw this out here to see if anyone has a good deal on something they like before just running up to a store and getting something.
Most dual batt. mods are kinda large. Maybe something with a LiPo or the new eVic everyone raves about. It seems to have decent battery life
I would certainly give the Evic VTC a look. I have never used mine in VW mode yet but I could try it. I get over 600 puffs in TC mode with no problem at all so for a single 18650 mod (I am using 25r’s) I think it has excellent battery life and at very low wattage I can not believe it would be an issue. Also I am a big guy with big hands but I have to be honest I am really liking the small size of this mod. The added plus is if she ever wanted to try TC she would have that option. At 40 some bucks at most places it ain’t a bad deal.
The IPV D2 is pretty small, nice to hold, only one battery though. However, at 15 watts one battery should last a day or two I imagine. At around 50 watts I last about almost a day.
Thanks @Pro_Vapes and @wvsanta that is one of the mods I was looking at, just wasn’t sure about only one 18650 in it. I’ll go on and order it up. Appreciate the responses.
Considering that she vapes at low watts, it should work out well for her.
Truly don’t think she will have problems but carrying a second battery would guarantee no worries and it remembers your settings when you swap batteries out. I don’t even turn it off and when the new battery goes in I don’t have to turn it back on just hit the fire button and off to the races we go.
Just make sure if you get her batteries to get a battery case and tell her about the safety issue of not carrying a bare battery in a pocket or purse. If you don’t believe it, here’s a scary video of some loon intentionally creating a hard short - the best part is at 3:28
Good call I just figured everyone did. The place I buy mine sends them in the little 2 battery plastic cases.
If she only wants to carry one battery you can get a silicon battery holder. Got mine at fasttech. Yesterday got the evic mini used it with the kanger subtank mini. At 20-23 watts lasted all day at work. Had an efest 2800maw battery installed…battery was at 3.85 when put in charger.
Istick 100w excellent,also if you can get hands on one Koopor 200w made by smok has had impressive reviews.Also both very competitive prices.
Had an evic bircked on me after only a couple of months not an uncommon problem according to joyetech forums.
I have an EVIC VTC Mini and a eLeaf iStick 60w TC. Both are good 1 battery mods. The eLeaf express is the cheapest. I have seen the prices of the EVIC VTC Mini fall for the Express package. Contemplating a second one as a backup. I prefer the display and the build quiality of the EVIC VTC Mini, and prefer the feel of the eLeaf in my hand. For the power she vapes at, either should last her beyond a day.
the sig 75 watt is a nice smaller size mod
This is the one that turned me against single battery mods. I only got 3-4 hours on a fresh charge. No upgrade options and underpowered for the low ohm builds I use. It should do better at 15 watts though and you can’t beat Sigs build quality.
it probs wouldnt be something we would chose granted, but when the girl is only using 15 watts she should get a lot of use from the sig battery wise and a bit of longevity graduating up to higher watts if the need takes her?
I have the segelei 75watt and the evic vtc mini. Both should be good only using 15 watts. The segelei is larger than the evic.
I’ve heard nothing but good things from kanger subox mini starter kit. Pretty versatile machine. 50 watts fires to a .3ohm,
Single 18650( pass through too). Hassle free unit.