New and no damn clue

Hey all… 1st post and about to do my 1st mix
My personal fav is mango, lychee grape that i used to buy from the local shop before eveything got banned in Aussie… i have no clue where to start or what ratios to use… so hoping some smart person here has mixed something similar… i cant seem to find a recepie on here either for a starting point. Sorry to sound so dumb… but its kefit true i am… lol


You’re not dumb. You just don’t know what you don’t know. I’ve never mixed any Mango/Lychee types before. You’re in the right place though. Many will chime in after they’ve had their coffee.
Welcome !


Welcome to ELR @K1w1. Things are obviously a little upside down, down under currently, and I don’t know what flavors you have on hand. I can’t say I’ve ever had a mango, lychee, grape vape before, but you could easily get one going with SC/FE Mango, FW Grape Soda, and a Lychee of your choice. Is your stash public ?


Fe mango and grape are really good to vape solo.


Welcome@K1w1 somebody must have a 3 2 1 for that mix have you searched the recipes


welcome to the forum @K1w1. As @SessionDrummer mentioned, make your flavor stash public so proper suggestions can be made. I’m sure you’ll get some helpful tips afterward.


Hey… thanks fornthe reply… this is the flavour bases i have atm… more coming


:wave: @K1w1

Welcome to the forum, there are a few of us aussies here.

If you enter your flavour on the recipe side into your “stash”.

You can search for existing recipes using those flavours.
But sometimes there are none.

What you can do is look up the average or mean mixing percents for those flavours in a single mix and a recipe. This is calculated by what other people use them at. Also read the notes to see if there are any “off notes” and “steep times” mentioned.

Using those percentages, you can either:
A) using the “single flavour” percentage,
mix a small batch of each of flavours to “single flavour test” them.
This will help you determine if the suggested percentages are too weak or strong for your palate.
Take some notes so you can adjust the percentages up or down to your preference.

B) using the “recipe” percentages, mix a small batch of all the flavours you want in the recipe together.
This method is quicker but can be hit and miss. If the recipe is not great you won’t really know which flavour is doing what.

Given you have been using commercial juice, there will likely be an adjustment period as the commercial juices often have sweetener and quit possibly other flavours in the mix tgat you are not aware of.

Try to shoot for something vapable to start with, it doesn’t have to be perfect, things can be adjusted with each mix.
That is the beauty of mixing for yourself :green_heart:

I have been mixing for a while and I use a combination of the above methods.
Single flavour tests when I first get the flavours, so I know if the recommended % are too strong/too weak.
I adjust the % amounts when I make a recipe.

Hope this helps and makes sense :face_with_spiral_eyes:


What brands do you have of those 3 flavors?


I updated my stash list over the weekend, off the top of my head I cant remember, but can re-check when I get home


Look up above, he posted a photo of 4 of them I think.


I have since managed to get more flavors of different brands also, that I have updated in my stash


That’s great and welcome to the forum @K1w1 I’m sorry about what’s happening down there but you’ll be fine. There’s plenty of folks here who can help out. That’s what we’re here for. The rest is just a bunch of chinwagging :rofl: