NEW Capella Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

You’re very welcome @Gazza7, and I’m praying for you guys down there.


Looks like they finally listened to you @STR8V8PING !!!


Hows it compare to other ry4s . Sounds similar to jf ry4 double


@STR8V8PING I don’t think I’ve ever solo’d one before, and have only used TPA’s in mixes. It smells similar to JF’s, but I haven’t tried that one yet.


Berrylicious (CAP) 4% / 7% (12-23-23) – This one WAS delicious. Started out at 4%, and felt like more was better, and almost doubled it to 7%, and it got much better. Not linearly, so maybe 6% may have been the solo sweet spot. Not quite as dark (or strong) as Harvest Berry, and it seemed centered most around a red strawberry, and a raspberry, with maybe hint of blackberry. At times the RB tasted red, others purple, so it was hard to nail down. There was a very authentic ripe, almost pectin like “punch”, along with some tartness that kept it fresh and tasty throughout my testers. Sweetness was a few tick below mid-level, and the way the berries were paired, it did wax and wane favoring one or another, which made it somewhat complex. Overall, I didn’t really get much artificial-ness, as it leaned heavily towards a natural medley. Despite trying VERY hard to exactly nail down any/all fruits, I just kept going back to the Red Strawberry, Raspberry, and hint of Blackberry combo. All in, for a mid-dark berry medley, with some VERY authentic jammy/tart-ed-ness, this one sold it, and sold it well. Authentic, just sweet enough, natural, and with a tart finish. Not the strongest, but one of the better ones out there, and it felt good at a 9.3/10.


It’s going to be SO hard to NOT read this thread lol I did read the 4U because it showed up in my email lol I’m waiting for tester bottles to arrive tomorrow then I’m diving in :grin: I’ll have to not open my Session Drummer “Testing Now” emails when I see them pop up!


TPA’s Double is awesone both in mixes and solo.
My preference always remains for the Asian but I have serious doubts, despite the name, that it can truly be counted among the RY4. In any case, it is a variant that cannot be compared, reading the review, to Capella’s 4U Blend.
I highly doubt we’ll see 4U Blend here in the EU anytime soon… we’ll just have to wait patiently.


Hehe, sorry @Lynda_Marie. I am actually very interested in what you think, as always. Luke seems to have been right, that they might be a little weaker than the previous release, so up’ing them accordingly.


I seldom to baccos, and never hardcore NET’s so TPA’s seemed like the popular one, way back when I picked it up. If I remember, I’ll have to A:B it with CAP’s, just to see.



Great, a direct comparison between the Double and the 4U would be really interesting. The Double is probably the most used RY4 currently and trying to understand if the Capella could oust it from the throne is certainly a tempting challenge.
In any case, I also don’t love NETs but Baccos are certainly among the “concoctions” that have always entertained me. Well, fingers crossed. :wink:


I like jf ry4 double 1 , then tfa double


Zesty Lemon (CAP) 1%/2%/4% (12-23-23) – Skipping to this one for @welington, who was kind enough to stop by and drop his notes. I had ASSUMED this was going to be a super strong, face punching Lemon, and if used too high, would be punishing. That, did NOT appear to be the case. I tested this one at the listed 1%, 2%, 4%, and it did only get but so strong, so it appears to be more of an accent lemon, rather than a main, strong lemon note. At the lowest rate of 1% I actually got more of the subtle and accurate citrus oil, and lemon peel notes. At 2% it got marginally stronger, with some reduction of some of the aforementioned citrus/peel notes, and at 4% I was fairly sure I was getting some muting. So, the moral of the story with this one, is to go somewhat lower to get the most out of it.

It was very natural tasting, with some very lemon zest notes. Not candied in any way, and was a fair bit below mid level sweet. Again, it was not a very strong overwhelming flavor, but more of a very natural lemon zest accent flavor, which if pushed too high, would mute. Tasty, natural and accurate, with some fairly unique lemon zest / peel / citrus oil notes not found in many lemons. No off-notes, and / or nitpicks ONCE I figured out how it should be used. Not going to mark down too heavily for the relaxed nature, as at lower usage rates, some of the most impressive notes were revealed. Leaving this at a higher 9.0/10.


@welington I just reviewed the Zesty Lemon, and I agree with your notes. I had assumed it would be a powerhouse, heavy lemon, but instead it proved to be a somewhat lighter, accent lemon, which if used lower (like you also found), there were very accurate, more subtle notes to be had. I appreciate you dropping in, and hope you stop by with more of your thoughts on these.


Nice we finally a possible sub for the hard to find FA Lemon Zest. Perhaps now I can try this recipe as it is meant to be. Check cookies


These reviews brought to you by Team SteamCrave, and the Kanthal Corporation …


Custard Cream (CAP) 4% / 6% (12-24-23) – Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, EXCEPT for Capella’s NEW Custard Cream that is !!! Merry Christmas Eve out to you guys. Alright, what in the hell, is this one ?? Damned GOOD, that’s what. I literally spent quite a bit of time smell comparing this to CAP’s VC, and they were similar, BUT, different. I think it was the pairing with the Cream that pulled the Custard into a different dimension. YES, I love the Custards, so read this review knowing that. There WAS a time, wherein I felt CAP’s VC was a little TOO eggy for my tastes, hehe, but THAT time, has passed. This flavor seemed to be a pairing of the VC, but with a nice, blank slate, creamery cream. YES, you read that right. The net effect, was that I still got almost all of the rich Custard, but with some reduced heavy eggy-ness, and some of the buttery-ness, and got a VERY smooth creamy-ness in exchange. Duh, right “Custard Cream”. Because Custard-Heads ARE a fickle bunch, AND often times, FEAR change, Capella had their work cut out to do it right, and I think they did.

Still plenty of the Custard notes, and an increased creamy mouthfeel. As stated, not as buttery rich, BUT, I have to say, I didn’t miss it in this flavor. The pairing of the Cream and Custard was well done, and feels like they put some time into it. as opposed to a “mashup”. I did start out at 4%, but I KNEW I wanted more, and bumped it to 6%, and it got much creamier, fuller, and just more present. Don’t worry, there’s still some eggy-ness in there, just reduced a little bit. I think this one’s going to get a LOT of play as it’s going to open up usage for many people who loved the VC but maybe felt it was egg/butter heavy. I am anxious to hear what @Ken_O_Where thnks, as I’m fairly sure he had an IV bottle with CAP VC1 hooked up at one point. NO off-notes, nothing out of place, just a perfect pairing of CAP’s VC, and a creamery cream. You could solo this all day long at 6%. I know, because I am !!! You might even be able to go higher if needed. Sweetness was just at mid-level, and I was already toying with some Graham Cracker, and Cookie renditions already. Release the Kraken, because it’s getting a 10/10 from me.


For some reason I expected the kraken to take a stroll when I saw this one on the list.


Yeah, I have to admit @Gazza7, when I first see a packing list, sometimes, just sometimes, I HOPE that a few will stand out. I’ve been let down before, and AS ALWAYS, it’s subjective to the individual. I DO try and come clean up front about being a Custard guy, or Bakery guy, or even the “This isn’t in my normal wheelhouse” guy up front, so the reader understands my PRE-disposition, if any.


Right, everyone has a particular predisposition for some gustatory/olfactory areas but in any case it seems to me you always try to be, as far as possible, impartial and I can only imagine what it means to test something that is not up to you and even write a judgement about it. Well done, you will always deserve our gratitude!