NEW Capella Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Strawberry Bubblegum (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-8-24) – Alright, cards on the table, I don’t use a lot of Bubblegums (or any gums for that matter) very often, as I don’t find the need to “gum” things up, EXCEPT for “enhancing” mixes. Most specifically Watermelons, and Strawberries. If you guys need a “Bubble-Head” review, this ain’t it. NOW, with that said, this one DID present as a VERY accurate pink bubblegum, paired almost perfectly with a red strawberry. Whenever I test a BBG, especially if it’s paired with another fruit, the MOST important thing for me is that the BBG is accurate, and tastes like a bubblegum. The second would be how WELL it’s paired with whatever the fruit (most times) is. The pairing here or ratio between the BBG and SB was VERY well done. Each were allowed to shine without either taking over, or masking the other.

The BBG was very accurate, and captured the pink BBG very well, including hints of the powder on the outside. The strawberry seemed perfectly suited TO the BBG, and accented it well, without being jammy, or candied, but more of a real/artificial mix. At 4% it was good but, (you guessed it), it was better at 6%. No off-notes, nothing squirrel-y, or out of place, and sweetness was about mid-level. Despite this one not being in my normal wheelhouse it was hard to nit-pick, as it tasted like it was supposed to, with no real complaints. Maybe it could have used just a PINCH more gum, but even that was a minor complaint. Rejoice bubble-heads, this one tasted like a real SB BBG, and leaving it high(er) at a 9.5/10.


Sounds good i dont do many bubble gum juices for some reason even though iv liked the ones i have had. I should have got capella to send me this one


My personal favorite use(s) is with strawberries, and watermelons, as in lower (not full on bubblegum strength), it can really play well with them. Not sure that I’d throw it (them) into a Tiger’s Blood, but …


I wonder if Lynda got around to testing her new Capella flavors yet?


Sorry for the delay guys.


Succulent Watermelon (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-12-24) – I love great adjectives in flavor names, BUT, it does almost beg for MORE scrutiny.

succulent /sŭk′yə-lənt/


  1. Full of juice or sap; juicy.
  2. Having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems.
  3. Highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable.

Alright, I can go with the “full of juice, … juicy” on this one. At both 4% and 6% (it was improved at 6%), it did present as a fairly juicy, tasty Watermelon. It leaned heavily towards a candied WM, with some VERY interesting sweetness, that was almost like sugar crystals, along with some tartness. Now saying this was simply a candied WM, with some Sweet and Tart would be an oversimplification, but still kind of accurate. It tasted like a 75/25 ratio with 75% candied, and 25% natural WM, washed over by a nice candy sweetness, and a hint of tart on the finish. At both weights it was still surprisingly light, but didn’t taste “thin”. Your natural vs. candied tastes/needs will weigh heavily on whether you love this one or not. Personally I was kind of 50/50 on it, and felt like it was 80% of the way there, and with SOME improvement when moving from 4-6%, I’m unsure if cranking it higher would yield any more saturation or not. Tasty, juicy, and fairly candied were my take-aways, and with no off-notes to nit-pick, I would only mark down for the candy-ness, BUT, that’s MY personal preference/taste, and yours may be different. Nicely done, and somewhat lighter, it did hold my interest for 3 testers, which is never bad. If you want a sweetened, and tart-ened WM, this one will do it. It felt good at a 8.0/10. Your “succulence” mileage may vary…


@SessionDrummer Did you have any issues with sugary cereal after steeping for a while. On the one day steep i was really loving it, it had a nice sweetness but i am trying it now after a good steep and im only getting bad unsweetened str8 up yeast. Not even bread , just yeast.


@STR8V8PING I tested them all between 1.5, and 2.0 weeks steep. If the initial 4% wasn’t enough (most of them), I increased the percentage and re-tested. I can say after my initial steeps I def. did not get any yeast.


I think maybe i broke past the vapeabke threshold. I mixed it at 8 percent and its just yeast. No other notes left. After only a day steep it was really good and full of nuances but def turned bad after a couple week steep. At 8 after a steep it tastes like i poured yeast over water and drank it


Well that’s good to know, as hitting the ceiling is never good.


It turned so bad i just had to rewick anfter i just rewicked to try it



Noted’s next New flavor release is in March. I was waiting for the rest of the crew to get theirs from BCF before I mixed mine. I think BCF is getting them within the next week or 2 so they can pick theirs up, and I’m still getting through the MF (25) that Fiddy sent me, plus my weekly flavors for the show. . I’m definitely not as quick as SD with testing. It’s been hard to not read these reviews! (And I haven’t :crossed_fingers:) I’ll probably mix them towards the end of the month. I’m needing to order bottles and more VG :slight_smile:


I tried the custard cream after a steep. I like this one. It will go great in a cake recipe. It hits the cake filling and topping all in one. The cream or to me frosting is dominant over the custard part. What im getting is almost the same frosting from cap vanilla cupcake with a toned down less buttery and eggy cap v1 custard undertone. I tried it side by side with smooth custard as well and its not smooth custard which is much more might have a little creamy vanilla note in there as well but i gotta dig deeper into that because the frosting im getting is a little more creamy then the normal cap cheap frosting. Overall its a good one.


@Lynda_Marie did @wllmc say which ones they WOULD be carrying, as I’m still fielding questions. Allen from Capella couldn’t really answer which or what the resellers would be carrying, as it’s up to them.


Wild Raspberry (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-14-24) – All cards on the table, every time I test a “Wild Raspberry” I am always comparing it directly to the king, MF Wild Raspberry. So ANY WR has a big hill to climb. This one seemed to have a few Raspberries present, and it did have a “dirty” slant to it. Now I’m sure most times you hear “dirty”, it is probably a con, but with this one, it was a pro. Dirty, meaning it wasn’t a clear profiled RB, but went in a few directions. Not muddy, muddied, or muddled, but far more complex. The thing I liked the most was it wasn’t like any other RB I had, and that is always promising. It had some hints of a red RB, but also some darker berry elements, and with some slight wine notes, and a good tart finish. It had a few minor aspects of a blue raspberry as well, but only minor, and they added to the mystery and complexity. Even though it was a medley, it still stayed fairly on track for a RB, and sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level, and the sour/tart was nicely balanced without being overbearing. It leaned more towards a natural, with some light candied elements thrown in as well. Very easy to enjoy, and very hard to explain. At 4% (repeating), it felt like it needed more, and 6% seemed to do the trick. All in, it was a good showing from CAP with a medley of Raspberries, along with some darker berry notes, and a pinch of tart. Although different than CAP’s Shisha RB, I’m rating this one even with it, and leaving it at a solid 9.0/10.


Poor Gary !


Well they don’t call it “hitting the ceiling” for nothing !!!


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I had two people text me about this …


Tropical Mango (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-15-24) – Finishing out this NEW Release Series by Capella with this one. I have to admit when I read “Tropical” I was intrigued. You’ll have to read on to see if this one is a trainwreck, or a superhero. 3 testers later, I’m STILL not 100% sure if this one works/worked or not. Starting off it WAS a mashup/medley, so if you’re looking for a Mango mango, this ain’t it. It was pretty hard to nail down EXACTLY what was going on with this one, as Capella did a great job of balancing notes with this one. I finally settled on a three-way mashup of a Mango, Pineapple, and Coconut. Coconuts can be an “oily” or “suntanny” bunch, so like most others, it was lower in the mix with this one, and the Mango and Pineapple were fairly even, riding over the Coconut. They WERE indeed mashed up pretty damned good, which helped conceal some of the finer details I could normally pick up. At times it worked pretty good, others, not so much, but an interesting design none the less. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and no real off-notes, except an occasional sour that did wax and wane, and didn’t stay constant. Like most of the other new Cap’s 4% was good, but 6% was better. Mostly natural with no real candied-ness, and the bits and pieces I got OF the individual fruits did taste fairly accurate. I will admit, it DID have a “tropical” vibe to it, BUT, the Mango wasn’t really the star, so, that may or may not make it one for you. All in, it seemed that it didn’t work for me, more than it did work, so I decided to leave it a little lower, at a 6.75/10. Not a bad tropical medley, just never really took off for me.