NEW Capella Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

I fixed the name for that one and merged the 4 others that someone created. If not for your review i might have made a mistake and done the “m” word with it.


That’s interesting @McDuckie, as either I’ve never pushed them too high, or I’m less sensitive to florals, as I’ve never gotten them, at least from the INW’s. Granted I haven’t solo’d them yet, but I use INW Shisha SB all the time. Matter of fact, now that I’m deep into the new CAP Shisha SB, it IS very similar to INW’s, and it’s jammy delicious. I have however, been bitten by the floral monster before, but most times, it’s been Blackberries, and I’ve had some whopper florals. Some soo bad, they were just soapy perfumes, at almost any weight, so I know I can get them.


Shisha Strawberry (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-6-24) – Reminding you guys again regarding the whole “Shisha” and “Finished”, or “Stand Alone” meanings, are always going to be subjective. This one slammed me RIGHT out of the gate, and didn’t let up, until I polished off the last tester. By “tester”, I just mean tankful. Just like everyone else, I have SB’s that just work for me, and some others that do not. This one, just plain worked. “Jammed”, “Jammy”, and “Punchy” were my BIG three take-aways on this one. Although this one was not 100% a SB Jam, it had a LOT of great jammy-ness to it. It reminded me a lot of INW’s Shisha SB, if that helps. If you love, or use that one often, you SHOULD get this one. Very fresh tasting, that WAS very Jammy. Sweetness was just about mid-level, but it was NOT a “candied” SB. It was fairly juicy, red, ripe, and after the initial juicy red onrush, rode on a jam-tactular carrier mid note all the way to the end. I was also reminded somewhat of Flavor Labs SB Jam. Again, this was not a FULL on SB Jam, but it’s jammy qualities, aspects, and nuances, could NOT be overstated.

At both 4%, and 6% I didn’t pick up on any off-notes, florals, or perfumes, and the interesting thing was that although it did increase in intensity when pushing it, the gains were only marginal, making this one’s sweet spot solo to be around 5%. There were some nice tarty nuances in there, which only worked to better serve up the jammy-ness of this one. I can already think of numerous uses for this one, and I’m anxious to see how it pairs with some creams, and milks, just to see how the jammy holds up. Obviously YOUR needs/tastes may vary, and your preferences to a “jammy” SB will weigh heavily into deciding on this one or not, but for my tastes, it really worked, and was squarely in my wheelhouse. Very hard to nit-pick, and I couldn’t think of any way I would try to improve it, and decided on a very high 9.9/10, for an almost perfect jammy SB. If you like jammy SB’s, you’ll love this one.


@McDuckie, @Ken_O_Where if either of you two pick up the CAP Shisha SB let me know what your thoughts are on it. Well, or anyone ELSE for that matter. :slight_smile:


I highly doubt that these favors will ever arrive in my country, here in the various EU countries, despite a notorious producer, namely FA, ​​we are as backward as prehistory in terms of DIY and soon the law will prohibit us from purchasing flavors from abroad… the game is probably over!


Which country are you in ?


@SessionDrummer FA = Italy :wink:


Wow. This surprises me. I have always had a high regard for FA and have spent considerable time reading FA’s and FEM2 – Ambient , a spinoff of the University of Milano Bicocca and their cooperation in the Clear Stream studies. I guess Massimo Mancini is not as influential as I imagined. FLAVOURART ''ClearStream Onward'' Project

Over the years I have recommend Phil Busardo’s video’s about FA.


Sorry for the derail.


Maybe we’ll talk about it in anothet thread; the whole thing is reallly intricated. Sorry @SessionDrummer for the OT.


If I think of the vendor with the most consistency for potency it would have to be FA. Least amount of crappy flavors, FA again.

When was the last updates or new additions. I don’t think I ever saw Pandoro or Custard Premium. Love links to either.

NomNomz ships to Italy.


I haven’t either. My understanding is that there was disagreement in the testing methods. If we had to rely on one company, my hands down choice would be FA for lots of reasons.


FA is certainly one of the safest and most serious manufacturers, don’t have any hesitations or doubts about their products, I can put my hands on the fire. The problem is the Italian government which is a farce of the worst kind; starting from May will not be able to buy flavors outside Italy. :sleepy:

Please stop the OT and go back to new Capella flavors reviews. Sorry about the digression!


Don’t blame your government too much; blame clowns that are about 700km on North. That’s where all those moronic decisions are made.

Flavors are already banned in some northern countries; the rest are still free until May. Meanwhile in the UK Smokers urged to swap cigarettes for vapes in world first scheme - GOV.UK


@SessionDrummer i just tried the perfect cupcake. Def not perfect by any means. Its usable ish. You hit the nail on the head in your review. Its everything you said. I def get cap french vanilla or even smooth custardish with a slight off note which i think may be a hint of frosting they tried to put that just doesnt work the best with the french vanilla part. I get no bakery at all. I woukdnt say its bad overall. Its ok but id find a hard time reaching for it in a recipe over tons of other flavorings. Still hasnt been steeping very long so ill revisit it again.


Roger that @STR8V8PING. I had high hopes for it, being the “Perfect” and all that, and I love some Cupcakes. I kept comparing it to my only surviving bottle of CAP Cupcake v.2, and it was almost like the v.2 was MO cupcakey. I appreciate you taking the time to post that up.

That’s it in a nutshell.


Shisha Vanilla (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-6-24) – Having only ONE other Shisha Vanilla (INW), and have never solo’d it, I did want to see how CAP decided to design theirs. At 4%, I could tell it was a Vanilla (LOL, duh), but it felt thin, and underpowered, and I upped it to 6%, and it did improve. I had a VERY hard time trying to nail down, and quantify this one, and had to run 3 testers before giving up, and writing the review any way. It was a medium darkness vanilla, that even at 6% was still somewhat relaxed. The exact TYPE of vanilla was very hard to classify, but maybe in the French Vanilla family if that helps. It wasn’t an “in your face” vanilla, because it was somewhat tempered with some other elements. I did pick up on some light caramel at times, and others, there was an almost distinct bakery note, maybe even a cake batter-ish note, very low in the mix, but it stayed present throughout. Some times, I also got a very light, slight spcy-ness, which again, I believe was down in the bakery/batter undertones. I anxiously await someone, ANYONE to review this one, and try to identify the other notes/nuances better, if they can.

Sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level, and there were no real off-notes EXCEPT for one, and it WAS buried down in the bakery/batter notes, and it almost presented as a very light Play-Doh. Now, hehe, I know how that sounds, but I got it more than once, and am noting it here. It was in no way as offensive as CAP’s Glazed Doughnut, but still present. Not a bad flavor, but not stellar, nor the star of the show. Despite liking the bakery/batter undertones, will mark this one down a bit for them, and the very slight play-doh-ed-ness. It felt fairly fair, at a 7.0/10.


@STR8V8PING PLEASE tell me, Capella sent you the Shisha Vanilla ??


They didnt.


Ahhhh shit, we need a second opinion on that one.