Hey everyone, first time checking out the forums. Looks like a great community, can’t wait to check everything else out more thoroughly. I’ve only been doing DIY for a little bit now but really enjoy it. It’s a huge money saver and become a bit of a hobby. I’ve been using the site and calculator quite a bit to make my own recipes (as I only had a small starter kit and limited flavors) but just recently I made a huge order of flavours and started branching out and trying other peoples recipes.
Like many people on this site I’m sure I mostly search for recipes for general ideas for what flavours go well together, as well as looking for exact recipes to duplicate. However, in looking around I find the search feature, though really good, is lacking slightly. I’m just wondering if anyone else thinks so too??
For example, I have Watermelon (TFA/TPA). First of all, there are almost 20 variations of this flavour. This is because it creates a new flavour everytime someone mistypes it (ie. Watermellon (TFA/TPA)), removes the brackets (Watermelon TFA/TPA), or even changes the direction of the slash (Watermelon (TFA\TPA)). In my honest opinion, this creates a few problems. As everyone can imagine, this creates a redundant and convoluted list of flavours, that should really all be consolidated into one flavour.
Watermelon (TFA/TPA)
Watermelon (TFA\TPA)
Watermelon TFA/TPA
Water Melon (TFA\TPA)
Etc, etc,etc,etc
should all be just Watermelon (TFA/TPA).
The problem THAT creates, is when searching for a recipe, you may miss out on many (and I mean many) good recipes, all because someone has a different style of punching in the flavour name when making them.
Now, I’m sure I’m not the only or first person to notice this and wonder if it can be changed, so I guess I’m just wondering out loud, can it? Has anyone found, or thought of a way to contravene this? Could someone go about the monumental task of consolidating all the countless “typo flavours” or even just come up with a standardized approach to naming them?
Also, and I apologize if this should be in a separate post, but could there ever potentially be a way of just searching for general flavours? I would love to see a feature that you could just type “Watermelon” into the search field and it would come up with recipes that have all brands of watermelon flavouring, not just Capella or TFA/TPA watermelon. I just think it would create a more comprehensive list when searching and obviously, encourage a lot more mixing of ideas and potions to get the ol’ brain thinking about different concoctions.
I guess I’m just curious on everyone’s thoughts on this subject . Have a good day everyone!