New firmware available for DNA200 devices!

Yea no ideas from me I don’t know if it was a contact issue or what but hasent happened since. But ever since I’ve done the newest updates they’ve been working like a dream. So moral of the story I believe it had something to do with connection issues.

Anyone any thoughts on the Efusion Duo dna200/133? Comes set up for 133 but you can change battery out to use a lipo pack.
Looks sweet with the abalone shell covers.
The panels :-

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Debating that as my next DNA purchase. I really like the flexibility and of all the DNA mods eFusion users seem to have some of the most positive reviews with the least negatives that I’ve found. Was thinking about the VT133, but this just offers more flexibility and isn’t that much more expensive street price. :thumbsup:


I got the vt133 the other day but I’m not allowed to use it yet :scream:
It’s a birthday present from my daughters and my birthday is on sunday so i get it then. :birthday:
But damm that Efusion looks gorgeous…

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I got it! :yum:


Looks like the copy cats are out. Anyone see this one yet? I’m liking the leather wraps but that’s about it…

10k price tag too!! haha :wink:


Seen that on fb thismorning. Some guy was at the expo and managed to get one from them. Don’t think he paid that though.
Be good to see what this year brings in the way of dna mods.
Looks cool by the way. :ok_hand:


This year is already a blow out year. They’re probably getting ready to throw out a duel 26650 mods that will be dna200 mods. 2 60amp batteries in series hahaha. Lol how knows. But the attys are like none stop. It’s definitely the year of the 25mm vivacity style build decks :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::dancing_women::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:


Thought I’d throw my opinion here, I’ve owned the Reuleaux, Efusion, Efusion Duo, and the VT133. They are all DNA200, so the electronics are the same, and rad. I’ve noticed that the dual 18650 versions give me almost as much vape time as the triple. I have no interest in purchasing more triple mods. Heavy and they aren’t as nice in the hand.

The VT133 is my favorite. It is perhaps not as sexy as the others, but has the same battery contacts as the Reuleaux and for whatever reason it just feels the best and is the easiest to use. I mean, I don’t even really care for the buttons, but I love that mod. Definitely my go to unless I had one on standby already filled with batts.

The shortest battery life is definitely the Efusion. The LiPo may give more power, but i’d never know. The best part about it is that it’s very well made and looks classy. Never having to change batteries is kinda nice, but you wouldn’t want it as your only mod as you can’t get up and running without waiting for a charge.

I have the abalone duo and it’s just drop-dead gorgeous to behold. Not just the abalone, but you have to look very closely to see the cover is removable. The machining is tight. Absolutely no worries of the cover being loose. It’s undetectable in any way unless you inspect very closely. However, the battery sled is a little old school compared to the newer devices with the giant gold contacts. When you insert the batteries they cannot be tilted at all. I assume they had to go this way to keep from making the mod much bigger. But just like the VT133, I get nearly the same life as a Reuleaux.

I will be buying another VT133 soon and intend to get a backup after that. I can’t say it will still be my go to, but I can say that the Reuleaux has become my least favorite. It’s slippery and heavy and essentially just drains an extra battery for the same vape time from my perspective. That said, I still have two and have no intentions of getting rid of them…these are DNA200 after all and are well made devices. I’m switching between a Reuleaux and Duo as I type this.

Anyway, hope that’s helpful.


I would agree 100% on the battery life. After a closer look. And actually paying attention. The wismec mods are heavy. I have big hands so the size don’t bother me. But what’s the point if they last about the same time. The VT133 is perfect size mod. A lot lighter to hold. There is times the wismec is to heavy for a messed up shoulder. I can feel the difference when picking them up to Vape. I don’t have a Efution. And I will get one. Because they are so damn sexy. When I do get one. It will definitely be the Vt133 and the Efusion everyday.

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Right now the the current state of the 26650 batteries, isn’t that great, actually the best 18650 batteries put out a lot more current/amps than the 26650… Granted they are larger, and the MAH ratings are higher, but there is NO way they are 60amp, the best 26650’s are ONLY 25amp. Yes, they can burst higher, but they can’t sustain it, they drop off FAST. Example, : Here is a video review of the Wismec Presa TC 100W,( a 26650/18650 mod) it could NOT get to, nor sustain a 100 watts with a 26650, BUT it could with an 18650!

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Good to know but won’t stop me from getting one :yum:[quote=“therabidweasel, post:69, topic:49792”]
The shortest battery life is definitely the Efusion.

My first dna is the vt 133 and this thing is quality. Best vape experience I’ve had to date.
Load your profiles in and away you go. Works every time.
I will say this, i think the battery door could of been better. It works fine, just think more thought could of been put into the design of it.
The dna experience, for me, feels like I’m where i want to be, I’m home!!!
All my rdta’s are working better on the 133 my ti and ss build’s perform better, more flavourful, more vapor because of no ramp up time. Instant vapor! Just an all round superior vape.


Glad you are enjoying your DNA 200 and the VT133!
I was on the fence about Evolv , I have owned a couple of the DNA 20’s and DNA 30’s .I gave up on Evolv before trying the DNA 40 going to the SX Mini with the Yihi sx350 board. I now have complete confidence in the Evolv board and feel as you , I am where I want to be.


I too still like my yihi mods but the dna200 board outshines them by miles imo.
I will slowly get rid of some of my mods in order to obtain more dna mods, the efusion duo being my next purchase.


Agree 100% with Pattie, although I have one YiHi that is for a friend. But after I tried the Efusion, there was no going back. The DNA is just so much better, it easily justifies the cost. I am a quality > quantity man in virtually all things.

My only problem with the DNAs is that they seem to be very finicky about USB cables. If you have trouble with device not recognized errors, change cables. Its fixed it most times, but it does get annoying. I think the connector they used it not the most bestest.

My new VT will ship from China soonish. . .well, Fastech soonish.

2 Likes has vt200s for $99.99…or at least they did

EDIT: can confirm, they still have em for $99.99…and in stock