Hello all,
I hope you all are doing well. I am new to this website as the title suggests and would be much obliged if I could get some assistance with the recipes in this website.
Albeit I am grateful for all the efforts of this community, but I think we ought to have a filter/category for verifiably safe recipes. I.e., recipes that do not use ingredients that have warning on them or pose a health risk.
That being side, does any one of you nice folks here know a recipe that is safe and free of Acetaldehyde, Acetoin, Diacetyl, and other similar junk?
Thank you!
fruit flavorings are generally safer from the ingredients you listed but may be present in small amounts, they can also have fructose and some other ingredients which can be a concern. some flavorings even have small amounts of oils like INW peppermint
problem is no warning dosen’t mean its free from these because that info isn’t always given out by the manufacturer or its very hard to find
some folks have started a list but its a work in progress
I think that would do away with about 75% of the recipes.
From the main ELR page, click resources, then the 3rd choice down is flavor warning list. You can start there.
Welcome and glad you joined.