New here - Need recipe suggestion

Hello all,

I hope you all are doing well. I am new to this website as the title suggests and would be much obliged if I could get some assistance with the recipes in this website.

Albeit I am grateful for all the efforts of this community, but I think we ought to have a filter/category for verifiably safe recipes. I.e., recipes that do not use ingredients that have warning on them or pose a health risk.

That being side, does any one of you nice folks here know a recipe that is safe and free of Acetaldehyde, Acetoin, Diacetyl, and other similar junk?

Thank you!


fruit flavorings are generally safer from the ingredients you listed but may be present in small amounts, they can also have fructose and some other ingredients which can be a concern. some flavorings even have small amounts of oils like INW peppermint

problem is no warning dosen’t mean its free from these because that info isn’t always given out by the manufacturer or its very hard to find

some folks have started a list but its a work in progress


I think that would do away with about 75% of the recipes.


From the main ELR page, click resources, then the 3rd choice down is flavor warning list. You can start there.


Welcome and glad you joined.


Hey! I know this was months ago now, but I have a couple flavor suggestions that taste great with minimal time, and not just fruits. Flavorah Sweet Crunch %3 and TPA bavarian cream DX 2% make a delicious frosted flakes that tastes great right after mixing.

Sobucky Super Aromas ice cream vanilla is a good stand alone at 3% with 0.5% super sweet. It only needs to time steep 3 days for me.

Wonder flavors Peach gummy candy at 3% + 0.5% super sweet tastes just like peach rings, but I have a problem with that one feeling really “dry.”

Flavor Art Blueberry juicy is a nice flavor on its own, very potent and can mask other flavors. I don’t think it really tastes like actual blueberries, but it does taste like some sort of fruit juice.

I just made a relatively simple recipe a couple days that tasted really good after just a couple days, it’s an orange cream bar recipe. Since it’s only been a couple days, I think the flavors can improve even more with another few days.

I’m still figuring out flavors myself, I hope my experiences may help people. I have a hard time with tasting flavors that other people think are delicious. I’ve found my own sort of method for making mixes that taste good to me. I find that if something tastes nasty after a week, it probably won’t ever taste good to me. This is why I avoid trying to make complex or flavor heavy mixes anymore.


You can always cross refrence the flavor resources page on this website when you’re shopping for flavors. Some of the suggested percentages for recipes could be outdated though, they may be too high. I struggled with having my percentages too high, or using too many flavors for a long time and my recipes tasting bad.

I get all my flavors from Bull city, I found they have a very large selection.

Just make sure when you mix that you REALLY shake it. Hold the bottle up to light and if you see a bunch of clear squiggly lines you need to shake more. I recommend using a tiny bit less VG (I always pour in VG last) and leaving a small air gap at the top of the bottle to help with this.


I would recommend people do their own research and make informed decisions on what to vape and what not to vape (or what to eat and drink!)

TPA Berry Cereal Flavor, <0.5% furfuryl alcohol

I hope you don’t like Coffee! 243 mg/kg
(Berry Cereal mixed at 3%, 1.5mg/kg)

Category [Reference] N Furfuryl Alcohol Concentration Units a
Mean Median P90 P95 P97.5 P99 Maximum
Roasted coffee/This study 30 251 243 342 392 402 406 408 mg/kg
Bread/This study 15 <LOD b - - - - - - mg/kg
Wine/This study 20 <LOD b - - - - - - mg/L
Spirits/This study 50 <LOD b - - - - - - mg/L
Sweet potatoes [4] 1 0.014 - - - - - - mg/kg
Wine [7] 8 3.4 2.9 7.3 8.5 9.0 9.4 9.6 mg/L
Baked goods [9] d - 110 - - - - - - ppm
Spirits [9] d - 10 - - - - - - ppm
Candy [9] d - 59 - - - - - - ppm
Ice cream/ices [9] d - 88 - - - - - - ppm
Beverages [9] d - 19 - - - - - - ppm
Honey [14] 1 1.6 - - - - - - mg/kg
Popcorns [15] 6 0.064 0.067 0.081 0.081 0.082 0.082 0.082 mg/kg
Fried fish [16] 1 10.5 - - - - - - mg/kg
Breaded fish products [17] 4 10.3 8.8 16 18 18 19 19 mg/kg
Wine [30] 6 1.51 0.89 1.57 1.60 1.62 1.63 1.64 mg/L
Vinegar [31] c 27 0.35 0.28 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 mg/L
Vinegar [32] c 9 0.34 0.28 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 mg/L
Coffee [33] 7 49 49 64 67 68 69 70 mg/kg
Instant coffee [34] 1 267 - - - - - - mg/kg
Roasted coffee [34] 1 564 - - - - - - mg/kg
Pineapple juice [34] 1 8.3 - - - - - - mg/L
Rice cakes [35] 2 2, 2.3 - - - - - 2.3 mg/kg
Bread [36] 1 187 - - - - - - mg/kg
Toasted almonds [37] 3 6.4 6.0 8.3 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 mg/kg
Non-fat dried milk [38] 1 15 - - - - - - mg/kg
Corn tortilla chips [39] 1 0.54 - - - - - - mg/kg
Cocoa powder [40] 1 0.02 - - - - - - mg/kg
Palm sugar [41] 1 0.14, 0.52 - - - - - - mg/kg

Mb, I said that about key lime before someone else informed me it was fine.

Good to know that Crunch Berry is safe. It’s my ADV I love crunchberry.

I never said that, nothing is 100% safe…
I could get run over by a bus tomorrow but we can’t stop all the buses can we ??

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Yeah, that vitamin E Acetate was VERY nasty. Too bad the “media” tried to link it to ALL vaping. LOL, because we knew better…


Dang it I thought I deleted that.

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