New mixer here would like someone to please help me out

So if I were to use the cereal by itself then the marshmallow by itself then the sweet cream do you think 6% on each of those as a stand alone flavor would be too much??I think that’s gonna be the best way for me to begin is to mix each flavor by themselves and vape them so I’ll have a good idea on what percentages to mix them at.


You definitely have the right attitude :+1:
It is highly recommended that you try your flavors by themselves when you first get them. Ideally, you try to find a working range for them. Each flavor is different and has a different strength / concentration. Some may require you to use 10%, but others are so potent that 2 drops in a 30ml bottle will turn it all chemical or floral. There is no specific rule that say X % for this manufacturer and Y% for another, although after a while you’ll find that there are trends between different manufacturers. Flavorah, FA and Inawera are generally speaking much more concentrated than CAP or TPA. Every brand has exceptions though.

A good place to get an idea of a flavor’s strength, is to check the flavor list. Click on it and check the median usage for a flavor (standalone or a mix). The more recipes are made using a flavor, the better you can trust these values. Personally I find the usage indication at very helpful as well because they display it in a graph.
Anyways, start by mixing very low, add concentrate while taking notes on how the flavor builds up, changes and starts producing off notes. Once you have that knowledge of how and how much to use a flavor, it becomes quite easy to throw things together and end up with a good recipe. Don’t forget to take notes. Over time when your stash is growing, you won’t be able to remember everything.

And while your juices are steeping … read through the wealth of information on this forum. You’re not the first beginning mixer so a lot of the questions you have right now are already answered.
The E-liquids > Beginners section is a good place to start and then there’s so much more spread over the other sections. Use the search function if you have specific questions and don’t be afraid to ask if there’s something you can’t find.

Single flavor tests:


Thanks for that video very informative!


Dont use the Ethyl Maltol you have enough is the Strawberry Ripe … Remember EM is nit a sweetener it should be used to soften sharp notes in a recipe …my honest opinion is to never use it at all especially a new mixer

and of course @anon28032772 already advised you lol …i should read the entire thread first But I often dint feel like it :astonished:


That video is part of a series a friend of mine made for the way I mix with flavorah…
Christian did an excellent job with the 3 vids and I really have to give him props for it.
This method works for any flavor manufacture and if you follow it, and start very very low…
find out where you start to taste a change, then where you can actually taste the flavor…
Keep up with your notes, your mixes will turn out much better.
a few adjustments and bingo you have good ejuice! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the club!


You seem to have a good attitude.
The advice above is all great stuff. The long and complicated ones are people who just spent a lot of time to help you, and while their suggestions might sound like too much work or annoying, they are correct. But many of us need to throw away a bunch of crappy juice before we want to start paying attention. And there’s nothing wrong with that, you just don’t want to get frustrated and quit. I’m pretty new so I remember more recently wanting to win the prize for the best juice and impress all my friends by dazzling them with my mad skills, then I found out my friends didn’t care and I was like the guy trying to learn to play guitar but only playing “Stairway to heaven” poorly 27 times a day. Those clones might be your stairway to heaven. .
I like your recipe, but it’s strawberry heavy, which sounds great till you get smothered in it. So yeah pull those back and if it were me I’d bring up the sweet cream to 3 and maybe the cereal to 4.
Just get a juice that’s good, that you can vape and that will buy you time to get better. And sometimes I like to make 3 different versions of a recipe and see which I like best.
So from the above comments, let me re-iterate:
Notes & dates
Keep it simple
Learn the abbreviations
Learn the ELR website
Use the search function
Read a lot
Follow the good mixers

It looks like you’re going to do just fine.


Thanks to everyone that’s helped me this is really a great community and I’m glad to be a part of it!!


Also, if you go to some of the older posts, you’ll see a lot of good answers I in there without having to wait for them in real time.
A good one right now is “tired of wasting my concentrates”, lots of great newbie help in there.
They’re going to push the SFT s, that’s one thing I’m bad about. It’s my chef attitude. And it has cost me a lot of bad juice. But im learning flavors my way, and getting better. Another good thread is something about “your favorite recipe by another mixer”. That’ll keep you busy for a couple decades.
Another thing I did was find a recipe with flavors I like the sound of, then when you have the money, go to a site that is having a sale and order those particular flavors, and mix it just how they say.
You’ll pretty certainly get a good one.


Hey that’s exactly what I did I went to elr typed in the flavor I wanted then clicked the rating button and those recipe clones popped up then I bought the concentrates and mixed them but for a highly rated recipes they honestly aren’t very good so lesson learned I’m gonna single flavor test them then start mixing 2 flavors at a time and as I get better I can put more flavors in.


Proud of you @22anden… make sure to keep your notes, use rda… have fun and see what you can poke your tongue on… always fun challenges doing solos… :upside_down_face: :smile:


Hey thanks!!:slight_smile:


Question rocky mountain flavors seem to have a lot of recipes couldn’t I get the flavors and mix one of those do people do that or just make their own??


You could…

or… you can check mine and and yeah… :stuck_out_tongue:


Not sure why I missed this before, but I appreciate the heads up! :thumbsup:


SmokyBlue recipes are good


@22anden most times getting the flavors is the right way to taste exactly what the author of the recipe had in mind. You can sub (substitute) flavors, BUT, you do so at a risk, because common flavors can differ WILDLY between different vendors, so if you sub, you could be in for a ??


One thing to bear in mind!
A lot of the “highly rated” recipes are ‘archaic’ and out of date by modern standards (primarily thanks largely to the improvements in hardware in the last 3 years or so).

Some still hold up (especially if they’re largely FW, TFA and Cap dependant), but keep in mind you may have to adjust percentage down from what you see. (Depending on how far removed from smoking you are, and how well your taste buds have recovered, etc)

More importantly, do your SFT’s (single flavor tests) on the hardware you’re going to use everyday!
Don’t test on an RDA unless you’re using an RDA everyday. At least, as a new mixer.

You’ve got more than enough on your plate to worry about until you get some experience under your belt. :wink:


You mean like this?


I cant get it to play, I have a lot going on atm with my laptop, and a ton of tabs opened… :cry:


Well of all the things I HAVE done, I can say this is NOT one of them.