First off, sorry they still aren’t bringing back Oats.
Well, since they don’t make Peach Apricot anymore (I never even got to try it), I’d like to see if either of those 2 Peaches might mix well with their Apricot to get close to what so many mixers raved about with that old P.A. So, I’d look forward to those 3 reviews. Please & thank-you!
Please remember, the LIST above, are flavors I have NOT TESTED YET. I previously tested OATS under the Chefs Brand, so it IS THERE, I’m just not RE-testing it.
If your talking about the New Flavors from Nomz the peach apricot is available. I got it with order , if they arent restocking let me know. If its something you love and want ill send
Alright guys, just trying to help clear up the confusion here. There still seems to be some CONFUSION as to the nature of this testing series. Here we go:
The flavors I listed above (69 I think), are ONLY the flavors that I have NOT TESTED yet.
This means, that I already tested a great deal of them, while under the Chefs name/brand. I did not want to waste time RE-TESTING flavors that I’d already tested, so the decision was made, to have ONLY the flavors I had NOT TESTED, shipped out.
The list above, reflects THOSE flavors, NOT the entire NomNomz Super Concentrate lineup.
Look, hehe, we all KNEW, this was going to be a partial shit-show. Why ?? Because many of these flavors had been released, tested, and used under the Chefs brand. NOW, many/most are now the same flavors, just under a NEW brand, NomNomz.
I can’t speak with specificity as to whether or not a small number were dropped, and/or exactly which ones were added yet, BUT @iLardyboy might be willing to add some insight into that aspect.
I loved a LOT of the older Chefs flavors, and I’m sure it will be the same with the “new” ones. If you are looking for a flavor, please go to NomNomz, and check and see if it’s actually there, rather than base it soley on JUST my current testing list.
I can understand the confusion, as very often, I end up testing and entire series, from beginning to end.
Thank-you Fiddy! @fidalgo_vapes I will let you know. Also, you mentioned (maybe a couple weeks ago?) you’re having trouble locating MOL Creamy Greek Yogurt. I grabbed a fistful of little bottles back when “changes” were going on with them. Would you like one?
Well, sorry for the confusion @TakeMeToTheSea, as I had expected there WAS going to be some, because very often, when I run a series, it IS the entire series, just not in this case.
YES, the Oats were Best In Class, hands down, no questions, just buy the biggest bottle you can find, kinda flavor !!!
No confusion at all. Makes sense. I figured you wouldn’t be covering the same ground. I just needed to get over to NN and check out all the Chefs they have, which I will now do. I’m hoping we’ll be able to use their Chefs collection in future contests.