Putting my thinking cap on.
Yes , you will be ablt to in the future…Probably not the next contest because it is set…Coming Soon !!!
After my first order from Nomz i have np worries of shipping etc …Plus I already have half of the line so easy peasy lol
Hey, Theres an idea…Im in lol

Alright guys, just trying to help clear up the confusion
But are you gonna test the old ones again?
Lol. Jk. Just meesing with you.

I can’t speak with specificity as to whether or not a small number were dropped, and/or exactly which ones were added yet,
These are new:
Apple Donut
Asperule (Woodruff)
Banana Flambee
Biscuit (Graham Cracker)
Candy Floss
Chocolate (Dark)
Chocolate Hazelnut
Coffee (Irish)
Energy Drink
Fresh (Koolada)
Fresh (Polar)
Hazelnut (Roasted)
Orange (Blood)
Peach (Yellow)
Raspberry Custard
Raspberry Wafer
Raspberry (Wild)
Red Currant
Rum (Brown)
Strawberry (Wild)
Sweet Lime
Toffee (Candy)
Vanilla (Bourbon)
Vanilla Cupcake
Whiskey (Cream)

Alright, I’m PROBABLY going to regret asking this, but beyond the Whiskey Cream, are there any other flavors you guys are fiending for, that I could MAYBE move up in the list ?
Rum please.
My pleasure @Mikser. So we’re up to Whiskey Cream, EVERYTHING Coffee, and da RumZ, thus far.
Wow i found my white whale flavor that i been looking for for over a decade. My fav commercial juice of all time was backwoods brew malty toffee but could never find that perfect toffee in it. The new noms sc butter toffee hits that perfect profile. Im so excited. Now to perfect the recipe.

My fav commercial juice of all time was backwoods brew malty toffee
@STR8V8PING I was totally hooked on his Honey Nut Flue Tobacco back in the way back. Dripped it silly.
I’d like to see what that Nomz Rum is like hopefully it’s just a gold rum without the spices. Of course I had a brain fart and forgot to add it to my order. Maybe next time, I have a Kahlua vape recipe I’d like to complete. I’ve never found a good gold rum to pair up with VT Light Rum. Vape Train has one but it’s really bad, FA Jamaican works but it brings its spices which doesn’t actually fit a in a Kahlua. And yes I know VT has Coffee Liqueur (I’ve never really gotten Kahlua from it) any way I like creating flavors from scratch.
Let’s hope that they’ll resurrect Chef’s salted caramel… didn’t see it on NN
Custard Slut
Oh my lord, I need to try this! I can’t find it on ELR, maybe it went private? Being a custard lover… and that name, just makes me want to try it….

Oh my lord, I need to try this! I can’t find it on ELR, maybe it went private? Being a custard lover… and that name, just makes me want to try it….
@Lynda_Marie, @woftam never released it, as it was in his sales line. Great Custard though …
Onto the 2nd one from @woftam, Custard Slut. [Custard Slut Product Page] Custard Slut (Myster Fog) 15% (11-21-21) – Now according to Simon … Custard Slut is a decedant creamy vanilla custard with a nice European eggy feel. Those that say custard isn’t meant to be vaped on its own haven’t vaped this. Let’s get the whole, “Yeah, but does it suck or what” ? out of the way, hehe. NO, it doesn’t suck, and it IS rather Sluttish if I do say so myself. Quite slutty now that I think about it. …
This ry4 fortress may be my new fav ry4. Its delicious and unique. It has a awesome buttery nuttyness and almost a caramel kettle corn note.im loving it
Theres some real bangers so far. The butter tofee is insane good. Prob my new top 5 flavor ever
The graahm also amazing
It is quite succulent, isn’t it? The guy over from my thread told me to retest at 1%, and my results are a bit different.
Nomz Watermelon (SC) SFT 1%
Right off the shake, this is a VERY full-bodied vape at 1%. I’d almost have to call it juicy. There’s hints of watermelon, but also notes of indistinguishable melons. If I had to label this, it would be an unripe watermelon. Not the red part, but more the pinkish-white parts closer to the rind. There’s even some green, and it’s not watermelon rind, but more of a honeydew which isn’t very sweet. It’s slightly bitter, but not necessarily in a bad way. I’m not getting any candy notes at all, and without any added sweetener this is below mid-level sweet. It’s a fairly realistic melon (of some sort), and might have its place to add body to an otherwise lacking, top-heavy melon mix. This is mostly body and volume, but missing a punchy top note, at least at this percentage.
3 days - much more pronounced, but still lacking a punchy top note. This has a really good watermelon body which can easily be used to add depth and volume to any melon mix.
5 days - FINAL VERDICT - this is a good unripe watermelon, or the white/pinkish part next to the green and rind. Well, most, if not all of the honeydew notes disappeared, and this is a watermelon to me, but natural tasting, and therefore very light. It’s still lacking a punchy top note at 1%, but other than that it is a pleasant vape. Will not be my GO-TO watermelon, but I may find it’s use in other melon mixes, as stated before. As a watermelon goes, I can’t go any higher than 7/10.
@IggyZ can’t wait to hear about the re-test results. We should have @fidalgo_vapes move this to the NomNomz thread …

[Snap 2024-01-31 at 19.10.12] Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that NomNomz has RESURRECTED the Super Concentrate line from Chefs, AND, added even MORE flavors to the lineup. More than a few of you tipped me off to them, and thank you very much for that, as I was a HUGE fan of the OG Chefs SC’s. I talked back and forth with Richard from NomNomz, and he was more than kind to send out every flavor from that line, that I had not tested previously. Thanks out to @iLardyboy for g…

as it was in his sales line. Great Custard though …
Darn it all lol
Apple Donut (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-9-24) – FIRST ONE ON DECK !!! At 1.5% this one was damned full, and didn’t need to be increased, which was in line with my 1.5% on the previous SC’s. I always like to remind people there are (typically) TWO kinds of donuts, one a lighter, deep fried Krispy Kreme style, or a slightly darker, yellow cakey donut. This one favored the lighter, deep fried KK style. A fairly generous helping of “fried” and “dough” were in store for you with this one. I wouldn’t call it overly “greasy”, but def. a fried doughy donut. The apple was layered in nicely, and was at times either even, or just lighter than the donut, and it leaned towards an apple filling, BUT, not completely. Not so bright like a Fuji, but there were some brighter notes punching through the “apple filling” type notes. The two were actually paired very well without either running over the other. I didn’t get any darker notes, or crispy edges with this one, and/or any powdered sugar. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and it worked well for this flavor. I think you’ll have to decide whether or not you’re in the lighter, deep fried camp, or the darker, yellow cake-y camp, and that will decide whether not not this one is in YOUR donut camp. Some light bakery notes, but no grainy-ness, which you would expect in the (other), yellow cake-y styled donut. No off-notes, at this percentage, but at times I almost wished for a slight dialing down on the deep fried, and a slight increase in the apple. Minor complaints, and take-offs only, and leaving it still at a high 8.95/10.