NEW NomNomz Super Concentrates (Super Charged) Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Mmmm sounds like a winner. Maybe pair with some CDS, CCI and a good cooked apple for a really good Apple Fritter.


@McDuckie that would work.


Holy shit. These nom nomz sc flavors are imo the best flavors to ever come out. No joke. Each one i try is perfect. I just tried the coconut macaroni. It is soooo good. Its the perfect candy coconut. Authentic spot on mounds type coconut. Would be amazing for a somoa cookie.

So far every one iv tried. The ryfortress, butter toffee, graham , coconut mac are all so good id happily vape them solo


Apricot (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-10-24) – I love me some Apricots, but the good ones, are far and few between. This one did present as a fairly good one, but it was somewhat relaxed. I did try spiking it up a bit at the end of the test, with no real increase, so I’m not listing that as an official second testing percentage. It wasn’t weak per se, but I kind of just wanted a little more. Deep orange and yellow Apricot nuances were in there, and it tasted very natural. At times I kept tasting a very light almost citrus oil note in there, but it came and went. Overall it was a very “smooth” flavor as well, and I think it could have used just a bit tart or sourness to really help it pop. It was soo smooth to my tastes, I wanted to describe it as an “Apricot smoothed by Honey”. Not because it tasted overtly LIKE honey, but it had that type of smoothness to it. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and despite aforementioned honey and citrus oil notes, they worked, and I didn’t log as off-notes. Natural, very smooth, with very light citrus notes, and a honey like smoothness is what this one was. Def. an Apricot, but it didn’t SCREAM Apricot. Hard to fault as the natural Apricot I got was great, I just wanted more of it. I finally settled on a 8.7/10.


Good for you SD and sticking to your values of not deviating from your alphabetical system of running your samples. My Whiskey (Cream) shipped on Mon from the UK I should have it right about the time that you get to that one. JK LOL.


I think i may have to make anothrr order and judt get all of them. They are that good so far



Fear not @McDuckie, promises made, promises kept …

Whiskey (Cream) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-10-24) – BREAKING all of my typical rules, AND, as promised … skipping into the W’s, from the A’s. I really wanted to get into this one, and no sense making you guys wait all the way to the W’s. Let’s start out by calling this one DELICIOUS !!! OK, let’s put the cards on the table for you Whisky Creamers. You guys will be in TWO camps. “Mo Whiskey”, or “Mo Cream”, so this one MAY not be for ALL of you. No weak a$$ alcohol here people, the Whiskey was front and center, and about EVENLY paired with the cream. So RIGHT there, you CREAMHEADS, might find it TOO Whiskey-ish (is that really even a THING ??). The cream itself paired beautifully with the Whiskey. It was hard to fully flush OUT the cream(s), because the Whiskey was front and center, but it almost reminded of VSO’s Barbarian Cream, or a Bavarian and Vanilla cream mix. In keeping with true Whiskey, the whiskey here was fairly acidic, and nicely tempered by the smooth(er) creamier creams. All in, I had a VERY hard time NOT repeatedly refilling the testers on this one.

It was very solid at 1.5%, with no need to increase it, and the sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level. I looked, and LOOKED for anything I could nit-pick on this one and came up short. About my only “like” would have been a little more of the creams, BUT, as mentioned in the beginning of this review, that was based on MY cream/whiskey ratio tastes. I literally blew through the entire bottle before I knew it. Handily a 9.5/10.


It is now!!! LOL a whiskey flavored cream :drooling_face: I’m glad I splurged for the 30ml. I’m seeing quite a few attempts at Irish Cream in the near future. I’m glad I’m all stocked up on VT Coffee Milk Froth and VT Devon Cream.


Coffee (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% / 1.75% (2-11-24) – This one goes out to @Rocky02852. My first thoughts on this one were, “Yeah, I’d drink the HELL out of this one”. In coffee form that is. Yes, this one tasted VERY real, authentic, and tasty. It wasn’t a singular coffee, so nailing it down completely was fairly impossible, but a darker roasted coffee gets close. There were no light, or blonde coffee notes here, just mid-dark, and dark blended notes only. With that said, it was not bitter in any way, and stayed very authentic till the end. While dark, and rich, it was not an Espresso, but there were some light espresso-ish nuances in there too. Quite the complex coffee here folks. There were no overt dairy, milk, or cream elements that you could taste, but it tasted like it was tempered by some, but just a bit. Just enough to thicken it up a bit, and add just a touch of smoothness to it overall. Sweetness was well below mid-level, but there was a light bit of sweetness in there. It was SOO good at 1.5%, I decided to push it up, just a bit, and it DID get better, but it’s safe to say as a solo, 1.5-1.75% would be the top end. No off-notes, nothing out of place, and literally nothing I would change, and/or complain about in this one. A VERY good, dark, roasted coffee medley with very light creameries, and slightly sweet is what this one was. It was so close to perfect for my tastes, it was scary hehe. Going to leave this one, just barely off of perfect, at a screaming high of 9.9/10. Be warned the lingering aftertaste, will only make you crave MORE !!!

I can’t wait for @Rocky02852 to taste this one. Seeing as though he ROUTINELY vapes WELL past his legal limit of the Coffees, hehe, it should be interesting …


@McDuckie I was able to get the Devon Cream but I cannot find anyone that carries the Coffee Milk Froth, Where do you get yours?


Pastorfuzz hooked me up. I’ll share if you want some.


Biscuit (Graham Cracker) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-11-24) – Being a graham cracker enthusiast, I was looking forward to this one. Right out of the gate, it reminded me of FW’s, and FLV’s. They both have a somewhat not too subtle coconut undertone, and this one had it as well. YOUR tastes are going to matter here, whether you like that, or hate it. It did have some nice graham undertones, with some almost crispy-ness to it, and no cinnamon to speak of. It was very full at 1.5%, and sweetness was just below mid level. I might have compared it to more of a Honey Graham, if it weren’t for the persistent coconut undertone. As stated above, you’ll have to decide whether you do, or don’t want the coconut in your GC’s. I didn’t find it intrusive, but it was always present. For my not so much on the coconut graham tastes, I decided to kick it down a bit for that, and with no other off-notes to complain about, left it at a still very high 8.5/10.


I love this one. I dont get any coconut at all from it but im not sensitive to gamma octlatone .


I think they’re using the same compound as FW, methyl coumarin

Odor sample from: Advanced Biotech. Inc.
sweet coconut vanilla creamy powdery floral
Odor Description:Sweet coconut, vanilla, creamy with a powdery floral nuance

Now it wasn’t offensive, but for my tastes, once I tasted it, I couldn’t NOT taste it. Now this doesn’t mean I don’t use a TON of TPA’s GCC, which also has coconut undertones, but more for blending, and cheesecakes, etc.


Possibly. I know a lot of people get coconut from fw. I dont in that one either. Im not a big fan of fw graham though. The nom nomz one though i give a 10 out of 10. Its everything i could ever want in a graham cracker. Absolutly perfect. Its like sucking on a real honey graham cracker and letting it dissolve in your mouth. I actually was so amazed by how authentc it was that i went and ate a honey graham cracker to compare and it was so spot on even down to the lingering mouth taste. Its a very strong flavor to .i tried it in a recipe and i had to go down to .3 because it can over power things. At 1.5 i had to rewick and clean out my rda because the flavor really lingers

These noms flavors imo from the ones iv tried so far are the best flavorings on the market. Str8 up bangers


So far, they have been pretty impressive, and there’s a LOT more to go. Looks like it’s time for some STR8TUP reviews !!!


Here’s Flavor West’s SDS that I was referring to …


I didnt know there were 2 compounds that make people taste coconut. The one you usually hear about is the gamma ocolotolene or however you spell that lol


Lol no str8up rewiews. I admire what you do but im happy i dont do that anymore. Ill give my thoughts once in a while. The more the better but doing so many flavors is not a esy task. I do make sft of all my flavors but in like 2 month im through maybe 300 of like the 900 flavor i have

Im really enjoying the coconut macaron right now. It needed some steeping time but really exploded with flavor. Its perfect for a mounds bar or samoa cookie. Spot on candy coconut