New Nude Nicotine order with flavors

Not sure how long ago they introduced them, but on my recent order of PG, VG, NIC decided to pick up a sample pack from NN. Not sure if anyone’s had any experience with them, and haven’t mixed them yet, but they sure smell good. Testing Blueberry Mojito, Myan Mocha, Banana Cream Pie, Shirley Temple, and Honey Tobacco.


I think I have some of the honey tobacco from last Aug when I got my first nic order that I have yet to try.


just checked and I did test some of it, still have 3.8ml of it.

This is what I tested it in and I only rated it 2 of 5 stars and ended up mixing with some other testers:

Village Elder Tobacco
5.00% Patchouli Vanilla (NN)
2.00% Honey Tobacco (NN) (NN)

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Thanks for the feedback Fozzy.

Hope this finds you well Fozzy71. I just have an inquiry on your batch with NN Honey Tobacco. Did you just copy that recipe and test? And what was your aging time for that? My interest perked up because without even trying it, I don’t believe I would like it either as I’m really not a fan of Vanilla as of yet and so I wouldn’t even dream of using it with Honey Tobacco (NN). For me so far it is a banner standalone at 1% and no more. And their Nic is superb to me, and Crystal Clear. Vanilla just doesn’t do it for me with Tobacco’s. Anyhow, I would appreciate your conversation. I am watching Nude Nicotine and they are dong some things very well. Greetings SessionDrummer also, enjoy that Honey Tobacco, I just got a 15ml 2nd order. Let it age in for three weeks and it just sparkles, makes me salivate and I can vape it all day long.

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It was my first nic/flavoring order so I only had a few small sample sized flavors to work with at the time while waiting for more flavorings. It was also 6+ months ago so I don’t recall specifics other than I was into RY4 vapes at the time with my favorite vendor juice being super charged heaven’s ry2k. I simply added what few flavors I had to my stash here and used the what can I make button and found this -

I made 30ml and recall liking it at the time but these days I mostly vape dessert and fruit vapes. It was most likely a shake and vape, possibly speed steeped in a slow cooker warm water bath. I do still vape some ry4 recipes but they usually have lots of other flavors mixed in with them (like Deadly Sin clones), except for my current night time 0mg vape of OSDIY RJ4 x 10% = 0.5% AP.


They’ve sold flavors for years, all their flavors are based in vg and are very strong they use ethyl alcohol in them all as well so do a light warming and keep the cap off the batch until cooled should take down any harshness that comes w/ using alcohol in a concentrate.

For the the BB Mojito was incredibly bitter more notes of mojito than BB and needed support from additional flavors. I do like it but it takes a good 3 weeks to steep until I really enjoy it. Hope you find you like them !

Do forget to change the radio button on the flavor page to state this concentrate is a Vg based one as the ELR calculator assumes pg for all unless told so, make changes just above the green save button.

I’d like to hear your thoughts and out comes on tests regarding the Honey Tobacco and Shirley Temple !


Have 5 steeping for over a month. First one tested was the Blueberry Mojito.


Fozzy, Please give that Nude Honey Tobacco a trial at standalone and then combine after testing. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised. Amy2 has a lot of good advisement there also and I think our methods are pretty close. I do shy away from trying those recipes but I do study them, there is a lot to draw from somebody else’s experience. If you liked both of those flavors individually by the tongue or shot method I may have done the same. I commend you on the 0 NIC, personally at 12% being a recent former smoker. That in itself has made a big difference in my health.

SessionDrummer, Way to go on the thread and your input on the NN BB Mojito, good notations. Somebody will benefit and you got me interested on that flavor. Maybe next Nude Flavor pack.


I only have 2ml left of that so I doubt I will mix anything with it, probably just dump it.

0 nic is only late at night, during the day I chain vape 2mg at 100 - 140 watts in tc mode.


All right Fozzy, That is your prerogative and I love you man. In some respects you are almost at 0 NIC. I will continue to back Nude Nicotine’s reputation, not that they are perfect in every way though. They sure put off a class image and I do have a lot of confidence in their purity standards. So far I am doing them by volume as to their concentrates because i can’t seem to locate their weights. Somebody please send me a link if you know where they are.

This recipe I found is just like a mixmaster, off the topic but this kind of work is inspirational, Awe Inspirational!

OK, enough for the respit, Again, Honey Tobacco NN is one of my faves as a standalone all dayer. I’m glad you have some SessionDrummer, I’m sure you will do it right and it looks like you are.

This is a great thread and all of you are fantastic.