Incorrect. That is a conspiracy theorist.
Your flawed premise (or at least flawed application of the terms whether you’re actually understanding them correctly or not) is the problem I’m pointing out.
Once proven (as I mentioned before) it’s no longer a theory, but an actual conspiracy. Just because it’s become accepted (by government and society) does NOT negate the fact that it is a conspiracy. In this case, it’s a viable means of population control.
It’s not that I’m “EXTREMELY BIASED” as you imply, it’s because I don’t take everything at face value from every numnut with Internet access that wants to be the next Dick Tracy, or Dan Rather, that I do require looking further into what’s presented.
But you can’t deny that far too many either have an agenda, or don’t fact check, and (I agree with you to a degree) they simply take what’s “reported” as gospel. I don’t, and never will.
Furthermore, you’re not in Reddit here. This group does NOT fall into the same level of “vaping community” that, had you been discussing “general commentors” on YouTube or Reddit, I’d agree.
But the large majority here can, and more importantly DO think for their selves, and it’s that sense of kindred spirit that has led alot of us to find the incredible value of this particular community beyond measure. So don’t be surprised if the majority of opinions are similar, because as a whole, the type of mind (read as: intelligence* level) is far higher cumulatively than what’s exhibited in some other circles.
EDIT: *This has nagged at me for a while, but it was SUCH an infuriating situation at the time, that I (for the longest time) didn’t even want to revisit the thread. However, it’s worth noting that I should have used the word respectful or polite (in place of intelligence level) to better express my thought. My thinking at the time though was two separate combined thoughts, but lumped into a two word outburst. There are some brilliant people on both Reddit, and YouTube. Unfortunately, they’re far outnumbered by jackasses on those two outlets in particular. I still feel ELR is a far superior community as a whole, but had to clear things up a bit.