I have to take beta-blockers occasionally because I have had a cardiac arrhythmia on and off in my life for various reasons. It started after my giant son was born where I gained over 70 pounds (could not stop eating pasta at a place down the street from where I worked because the marinara was to die for)
…at any rate after he was born (being a smoker and a spaz determined to get my heart healthy again) I ran 30-45 minutes a day as a smoker until I was 42. There came a point where I developed what is known as “old jocks disease” which is very low blood pressure where I had to stop running and keep my weight above 135 pounds or my blood pressure was so low I appeared near dead on a blood pressure monitor.
I have cardiac issues and have since I was 30 years old. If I smoke I have a marked arrhythmia. If I vape I hardly get it all… just sayin’.
It doesn’t get much realer than that, it’s experiences like yours that back up vaping being a much healthier alternative.
The point I was trying to make was, anything you inhale / consume that your not really meant to, will have “an effect”, whether it’s noticeable or not, it’s doing something.
Some people think that vaping is “healthy” when it’s just “a healthier alternative to smoking”.
It’s comparing a 30 minute session to smoking just one smoke… it also lacks alot of pertinent information about the strengths etc… I dont know how you vape but I do not chain vape for 30 minutes straight 25 times a day, so I would conclude that vaping is a hell of alot better for me than the 25 smokes I was having a day.
Your thoughts on a subject are not facts! I have in fact many times questioned articles that show vaping as being safe. I always dig further to see what study they are based on and how its was preformed and exactly what it had to say whether negative or positive and how it relates to me.
The thing I take issue with is this “They found that the effects from a 30-minute session of vaping - seen as a typical habit as e-cigarettes deliver nicotine at a slower rate than cigarettes - were similar to those from smoking a cigarette for five minutes.”
I smoked 25 cigarettes a day that is 25 of those 5 minutes sessions. According to this information I would need to vape for 12.5 hours everyday to have the same effect… who are these people that chain vape for 30 minutes straight frequently during the day that make this a typical habit? Are you guys replacing each cig you had previously with 30 minutes of vaping? If you are omfg your spending 12.5 hours a day vaping with that and sleep how are functioning lol
Don’t feel sorry for me, It wasn’t that much of a problem. I got too fat while I was expecting, it happens to a lot of women actually. The difference with me was I lost the 70 pounds too quickly. The upside was I was able to both run and smoke for many years so technically, I got away with murder from a health perspective for a long time
I know a guy who is 59 years old, smokes and is a mountain climber. He runs 5 miles a day too.
The point was for me the vaping is much less cardiac effective and I feel confident in saying so because I’m hyper aware of my heart beat. (But I vape low nicotine)
Counter articles to that article published by the Daily Mail (UK) that says nicotine causes arterial stiffness and increases blood pressure transiently (Um…and so does drinking coffee, exercise and being exposed to emotional stress, you misleading putos!)
As the self-appointed King of TL:DR I avoided this thread like the plague. I try and offer some entertainment when I do “storytime”, but after 20+ years on the Internet I have learned who to turn my back on. Setting people up for emotional abuse they “deserve” is the mark of a trolling Sociopath and Sociopaths are dangerous, so I stayed away …a general lesson learned from my years.
It’s all entertainment until someone gets hurt. I noticed dude disappeared when shit got real. It looks like it worked out well in the end and we all truly did research and learned lots. I love you guys, Is this the only real place on Earth? Ohhh this takes me back to the Days …of swatting Tarded Keyboard Jockeys …excellent work …but you know what really stiffens your aorta? ASSHOLES …much love
They’re not comparing apples to oranges, they’re just expressing it slightly backwards.
Expressed in direct speak: Both cause stiffness of the aorta of value X. Smoking gets there in 5 minutes, vaping gets there in 30 minutes. It’s still scientific.
But the news article is very misleading. I think coffee also causes aortic stiffness (mentioned in article?) to a similar degree.
Also , the aorta in both cases was restored to its previous state after a certain time of not vaping/smoking.
What were the test groups? Vapers who had never smoked? Or who gave up 6 months ago.
24 subjects, that’s just a joke. It doesn’t cater for results due to chance (individual differences).
Source: 2 yrs of university health Psychology.
Cosmics Final Thoughts:
I smoked for about 47 years!
When I smoked, if I ran out of cigarettes I would go into an immediate uncontrollable panic-frenzy needing my hourly cigarette. I don’t notice the same thing with vaping, If I forget my vaporizer I can go without it for hours, actually probably days.
What is in a cigarette that causes that? I don’t think it’s the nicotine because in my vaporizer, I vape 11-12 nicotine per ml which simulates the nicotine in a cigarette and I have no real withdrawals.
Cigarette smoke contains tar, i believe something in that tar is addictive, Vaping does not contain tar just vapor. Also In my opinion it is the tar that has killed millions, not the nicotine. Don’t get me wrong Nicotine is dangerous and toxic and contact with nicotine must be avoided at all costs. My heart problems stopped about 2 years after I quit smoking, and I no longer have to take blood pressure medications, that’s probably just coincidental, I don’t know.
Upon trying to stop smoking I tried all the FDA approved methods, gum lozenges patches. Those attempts were futile and for about 3-5 years I spent a lot on smoking cessation aides and still smoked. The addiction was so great I would actually have a nicotine patch on and smoke a cigarette at the same time.
finally in 2005 a combination of lozenges, fireball candies, cigalikes and willpower I was able to stop my habit that was started at the early age of 8.
E Liquid can be made in any flavor that can be imagined, anyone trying to stop cigarettes should stop by a vape store that has a juice bar and try some samples. If you invest about the same amount you spend on 2 cartons of cigs you should have enough devices and liquid to last about 2 months and get off the cigarettes. After that less than 20.00 weekly can keep you in premium juice, a lot less if you can find a nice tasting house blend, and LOTS LESS if you can DIY it.
Just based on my observations any smoker who wishes to quit should try a vaporizer and e liquid to see if it works.
I happen to think as suggested by many white papers I’ve read (and by how I feel when I quit) the filters of the cigarettes have some additive akin to the same compounds in anti depressants and pain killers.
When you quit smoking and you start vaping, your lungs hurt. Anyone who quits knows they hurt. (Well of course they do, vapor has no pain killer in it.)
The woman in Florida that won the huge lawsuit against the tobacco manufacturers won for the reason “My husband could not quit because he did not know what he was fighting”. The tobacco manufacturers do not have to reveal what they put in their cigarettes. There could be 100 addictive compounds and even cocaine in the damn things and we would not know.
What we do know is that a smoke particle is much smaller than the liquid particle in vapor and the smoke particle is a burning leaf, like a campfire. It’s smoke and it is by its very nature more dangerous in your blood stream.
After reading through this thread, while it was long, I’m glad it happened. It’s made me do more thinking and more research just to put the questions raised to rest in my own mind. Several folks have done the same - great finds btw!
If I had any doubts before about the safety of vaping, they have all been alleviated because of this thread. Thank you all for that
This little bit I grabbed during my ‘evidence and common sense’ search and sums up my thoughts on the matter precisely. I think the discussion is over, but wanted to just add my two cents anyway…
Vaping using VG and PG ingredients are generally regarded as safe (GRAS). They’ve all been tested and approved so thoroughly that there is no need to regulate them. Even the anti-freeze, propylene glycol, is certified safe for human consumption. That’s why it replaced the old, toxic to kitties and puppies, ethylene glycol. The flavourings are the only ingredients where even halfway credible doubt could be sown, since it’s been pointed out they haven’t been tested specifically for inhalation. But consider, that objection has never been raised before vaping came along, yet flavouring agents have always been used in products that could be inhaled - medically approved inhalers, air fresheners, perfumes & grooming products, everything that makes a bakery smell so wonderful, frying bacon is supposedly carcinogenic now and puts oily particulates in the air (OMG lipid pneumonia!). Face it, lungs are actually pretty hardy organs, as long as you lay off the carcinogens, toxins and solid particulates - all present in smoke and completely absent in vapour.
Listen everyone…here is my study…though not scientific, but more lab rat which is myself… I have quit for only 3 months … no smoke since. I have never had another smoke or joint or anything burning. I feel friggin’ Olymipic, I am 48 years old. I smoked for 35 of them. Since starting to vape I coughed up tonnes of black tar. Now vary rare. More so when I pg my eliquids because of the so called throat hit. Vaping at 3mg of nic, yes it does raise my heart rate, but releases what I call an adrenaline rush… I feel Olympic…I walked my dog yesterday up a hill, never huffed or puffed like I use to. My eye sight is bang on like a fighter pilot. I am alert, not tired. I want to go and go and go! I am happier, not depressed, I have lost a shyte load of weight…I was 212 lbs in December, I am now 182. my blood pressure has dropped to 117/80, was 152/138 ready to explode. I eat healthy now like a tonne of fruit a day because vaping gave me my taste back… I’m addicted to pineapple, apples, grapefruit etc. because of vaping fruits.
This is only the start. Its only been 3 months on this lab rat. Who cares what these retard university dud’s can produce in a lab… they have no life, no experience and just left home! Sure they might know bigger words than me but …I FEEL THE DIFFERENCE! PERiOD!
I CAN BREATHE AGAIN! I am happy, I am a machine again…I AM THE T 1000 TERMINATOR…
Plus. I met all of you people which I adore and love in such a short time… Big news is bull shit sponsored by the 1% of the 1% who owns the wealth of the world who wants us all dead …pricks! Watch INFO WARS…double period… they expose the curtain of bull shyte!
If I just might add as well…we all need something …we all like the feel of smoking…if it is now 97% less harmfull than smoking, why not enjoy it. I read above, blood pressure drops, weight loss, happiness. These IMO are benefits not impeding issues. Even if it wasn’t as high as mentioned, getting in your car, arguing with your spouse, work hazards etc. will kill you far faster than vaping IMO. Be happy, just quit smoking. What about the bottle of wine or 10 beers you drank, does anyone think about the health problems there? What about the Shyte box food with all the additives or cans with a shelf life that will out last us all? Come on, enjoy it …we have only one life right now to live. I’m sure the big 1% of the wealth of this planet will kill us way before vaping will.