I made this recipe up (in my head it sounded ok) but please bare with me, totally new to make my own juice.
Left it to steep for a week and it tastes of absolutely nothing, smells fairly decent! Are my ratios way out? Maybe I should just stick to others recipes
@Ben221 welcome to ELR. The first two things that jump out are the very high EM, and then the cooling. Both will mute, and it’s probably the EM. Do you have other sweeteners ? Maybe leave out the EM, possibly reduce the cooling, to see if it improves.
Thanks man will give it a whirl, quick question, Once your recipe is combined, when is best to test? do you literally always have to leave to steep for a period before even testing?
@Ben221 the best thing about enhancers, sweeteners, cooling agents is they’re not required, so you can leave them out in the beginning, and nail down your core profiles, get them right, THEN add them back in if you need them. This way if the recipe gets wrecked, you can limit what the causes are. On a simple fruit mix, I’d give it at least 2-3 days to settle down, and let the rough edges soften a bit.
I’ve tested 35 of the TFS for the show. Their recommendations for % seem to be fairly high. Check their website to check their percentage recommendations AND their steep time is much longer than a week.
That was an interesting line go test. They are with Drip Hacks”.
It’s hard to type, when I’m driving LOL. Almost everyone I know who mixes, believes that there IS EM in SBR. You can find posts to that effect back 2016 here, and even further. I pulled the TPA sheets up, and sure enough Maltol. Then of course, the seasoned vets will ask, “What’s the difference between EM and Maltol”, and hence, the 2nd link.
8 years ago when i was mainly on reddit and /u/fizzmustard created Mustard Milk he was very adamant about using straight SB (not ripe) with tfa vbic. Those were my first or second time with those tpa spec sheets. And the 1st time I mixed an SB vape I could taste.