Newbie in need of help

Hello e-LiquidRecipes! I’m new to the forum and live in the UK. I packed in the stinkies back in 2012 and have vaped ever since. Over the years I’ve used commercial juices and DIY one shots, so this is the 1st time properly having a go at blending my own juice.
I’ve always been a DTL rtda/rda user so my juice was always 70/30, but the last couple of years branched into using a pod/50/50 nic salts. Recently I’ve switched it up and returned to a tank but this time MTL so I can also use the juice in my pod.
Now here where it gets awkward, I suffer from Anosmia ( loss of smell ) which also makes my taste very limited. So flavours have got to be very strong or sweet, my go to profiles are cold berries but often get bored of them. I love desserts and one of my faves is marshmallow man 3/strawberry marshmallow.
I really like custard but find due to my messed up taste, juice can come across tobacco like :man_shrugging:t2:. What % would people recommend I mix at? I know it’s probably going to be a lot of trial and error but could do with a few pointers. I probably should give up vaping but enjoy it too much. Sorry for the essay! :joy:


@BbVk80 I wish I was more familiar with Anosmia, as the FIRST thing I thought of when you said that was “Vapers Tongue”. It can be caused by a lot of different things, but typically is olfactory fatigue, and IF caused by vaping certain flavors/mixes, can be remedied by “palate cleansing”.

Pods/MTL do typically take substantially higher levels of flavor, and possibly sweetener, even for people who don’t suffer from Anosmia.

Without more details on your setup, and/or the recipes you are using, it is hard to offer a blanket statement on percentages. Do you have any recipes you can share that either work, or DON’T work for you ?? What type of equipment are you using ?

No no, the more details the better.


What custard (s) do you have access to? My mom has anosmia… she has no smell and very little tastes. I’ve seen Capella custard used in recipes upwards of 8+%. What type of fruits are you into?


@SessionDrummer @Lynda_Marie Well basically I started loosing it at 17 after a blow to the head, and to top it off I suffer with nasal polyps which I had surgery for but they were so far up close to my brain sack, the surgeons couldn’t/wouldn’t remove them all. I’m 43 now so I’m screwed lol.
I wish it was only vape tounge, I would be blasting that menthol hoping for my senses to return haha. I do rotate between red/dark berry menthols/bar juices and sweet/desserts/milkshakes just so my tastebuds don’t get stuck on one profile.
My current setups are:
a Vaporesso Luxe XR Max Using a MTL 1.25OHM mesh coil.
Cthulhu Valor MTL RTA & SXK Penodat V2 Style MTL RTA, I’ve started making/wrapping my own coils again too, using MTL KA1 28/40 or MTL SS316L 28/40 Clapton wire.
As I’ve only just started out thinking of blending my own juice I haven’t really got any recipes, but have had some flavours delivered which I’ve added to my stash and made public.
I did a strawmallow mix about 2 wks ago but obviously left it to steep. I’ve had a couple of tasters, it’s vapable but I’m not picking up much flavour yet. I’ll post it and you might be able to pick up on anything that I’m doing wrong. Thanks for the reply :sunglasses:


Those % for TFS look about right. I’ve tested about 40 of their line. They suggest a usually long steep (and high %’s) I’ll look back on my notes on the marshmallow, that might be a bit high and muting. Let me check my notes when I get home and I’ll give my thoughts. 15% could have muting effects if there’s EM in it.


@Lynda_Marie Thanks appreciate it, let me know if you think I should tweak it around a bit in future mixes :+1:t2:


For someone that cant taste well id def recomend tricore aliens over claptons. I was watching a twisted messes video the other day explains the magic in why sliens get so much flavor. The way its made they suck up juice like a straw leaving the whole coil coated even without cotton.

In tge vaoresso luxe max i find creams and custards really shine