I’m fairly new to vaping and I know very little about dripping. I want to know - if you’re dripping directly onto an atomizer, does that mean that you always have to have your device set upright, so the e-liquid doesn’t just spill out? I’m used to the enclosed tank system, where it can be upright, on its side, or even upside down, with no leakage. I’m coming off of 30+ years of smoking, where all you have to do is stick a pack of cigarettes and a lighter into your pocket and go. I don’t expect vaping to be that simple, but I’d like to retain some measure of convenience at the same time. How many folks “drip on the go”?
If you have a good RDA and you don’t overfill it it wont leak but if it’s upside down, always a risk it will leak.
I’m a 99% RTA guy on the go. But, I do like my RDA’s at the house. You can find RDA’s which are leak resistant if you’re not a tank person.
Below is just an example; there are others. Look for RDA’s that say “top air flow”.
I’m with @Kinnikinnick. I take tanks with me when I’m out and use my drippers when I’m at home. Especially if I’m doing flavor testing. If you’re going for ultimate convenience, a tank with prebuilt coils is the way to go (I have a Uwell Crown for that reason). A rebuildable tank (RTA) gives you more flexibility and usually more flavor.
Here’s the RDA I use for testing now. You can use it in single or double coil mod.
Got it from Fastech for 8.93 USD. Throw in a package of 50 pre-coiled 1.4 ohm coils
for 2.29 USD and seems like a good start to get into drippers.
They can be messier, but you really shouldn’t have so much liquid on it that it’s coming out. You will over-drip sometimes, but once you figure out what your build can hold it isn’t too hard to prevent.
To give up cigarettes must require the personal belief that you have found something better. Health is a gimme …but since you’re on a recipes site it seems you’ve decided to jump in with both feet. One thing everyone will say is that a dripper will deliver more flavor …true. Many people mix at the lowest nicotine (3%) because drippers simply can make more vapor …more vapor, more taste, more nicotine per pull …and that “lowest” can still be more than enough.
Everyone above has covered the bases and many say they still use tanks when mobile, but the beauty of a dripper is the ability to change flavors, so once you start mixing the ability to test. Dripper coils you wrap can be simple, cost about 50 cents, and last many months with some care (impatiently yanking out old wick!). Motivation can be simply saving a sh*tTon of cash.
Try some different flavor profiles in premium juices to see what you like, say pipe tobacco or fruity pebbles, there is no wrong answer. Motivation no.2 taste. Once you find what flavor ballpark appeals to you, you can investigate recipes to fit that subjective desire. Eventually finding something you can make for nickels on the dollar.
For the $200 you easily spent that last month with cigs, you can buy a nice sub-ohm starter kit and some premium juices to learn what’s possible flavor-wise. Check out a local vape shop focused on letting folks test product. You can’t know in advance what will hit you like “Yeah! This is my new all day vape” …everybody’s different. For me it was Super Strudel …and “No”, I am a man.
The reason vaping is helping folks off the stix is there’s some solid “this is better!” motivations. Skipping over the health part again, full-on motivation is a combination of oral satisfaction and maybe a little nicotine, all while keeping more of your cash in-pocket, and a dripper is just so damn cheap to operate. Another thing many people will say is that once you try dripping you will say “I must posses thiis!” The reason is taste, clear and strong.
It does require a mod with a little more power than a 600Mah eGo stick, but if you own a nice sub-ohm mod with at least an 18650 battery you can power a small dripper for ~$15. I took my Tobeco Velocity and made a single vertical coil (goes up and done in the center) using an 1/8 inch drill bit to (9X) wrap 6 inches (50 cents) of kanthol wire. The vertical coil is super-easy to wick and the amount of Japanese cotton required might cost 2 cents (every three days).
Juice-wise, I make what I like and now I have extra money to build my flavors and experiment …all made possible by dripping. Build your motivation to quit smoking by being adventurous and seeing just how much better of an overall personal experience is possible …or like me, by being the original Cheapest Bastard on the planet. First there’s much to know …hey? You’re in the right place.
I’m another RDA at home and RTA away from home. I just don’t want to mess with filling the RDA when I’m out and about.
I only use RDA’s on the go and at home. Carry a couple of 1"x 2" old tee shirt cut outs (along with another RDA and a couple of bottles of juice) in an retired glasses case that hooks on to my belt. Worst leak I ever had was maybe a couple of drops. Might like to read: http://spinfuel.com/art-drip-guide-vaping/
I’m another 90% RDA person. Love dripping and unless I overfill, don’t have leak/spill issues. But, I don’t lay my mod down at all. I have a habit of making sure my mods are always in the upright position. Of course, I’m a woman, so I don’t TYPICALLy put my mod in a pocket. Rather, I put it in my side-pocket of my purse.
I don’t recommend pockets for mods anyhow.
Too many times people forget to power off.
Exactly… the one meant for your cell phone. I don’t have a mech mod just a Sigelei & Snow Wolf they fit perfect.