Nic with pepper taste

OK it’s all good. I got my new nic a couple weeks ago from MFS back up again . we be juicein no comparison to what ever heartland sent me now fixing to order large quantity .what type of glass bottles do you all use to freeze your nic in I am thinking of breaking it down in to 60 mil bottles .so the rest can stay frozen and undisturbed till needed thanks


Glass Boston Rounds with Polycone caps. Put them in freezer ziplock bags, individually, and use a straw to suck out the excess air, unless you have a vacuum sealer. This way when you take them out of the freezer condensation will occur on the outside of the bag instead of the bottle, just in case.

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Thanks ken

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Like these I never heard of them before now

Ken was recommending one with this kind of cap

This was the only 2 oz (60ml) bottle I could find at Amazon with that kind of cap

I’m not sure how much better those are than plain caps, but you definitely don’t want a dropper top on something you’re just using for freezer storage.

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Hey @Amy2

In the case of every NIC company, there’s always a peppery batch once in a while. It’s unfortunately nearly unavoidable.

Our nicotine is on par with everyone else, that I can assure you. :wink:


You should set up a vendor’s thread with @daath. I’m sure people would love to hear from you when you have sales or specials.


I’ll make it happen. :slight_smile:


Well the bad nic I received from heartland destroyed my juice I never have run in to that before with MFS I gave some to a friend of mine who has been diy for some time . Same results unusable never did hear a any thing back from heartland . And it did not get contaminated at this end .I am looking for new sorce for flavor I will take a look at your site I have never had any problem with vg pg flavor from heartland but the nic left a bad taste in my mouth and the fact they never answered my email or phone calls did not help matters at all .

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I’m still sick over that whole thing. Their prices were so good and the nic was really popular for awhile. Such a shame. I used MFS for a long time before giving heartland a try and I’ll probably go back to it now, but I’m willing to give ECX a shot next time I need nic. Let us know how it goes if you do try it.


So far, I have purchased 3x 250mL of 100mg NIC from ECX over the span of several orders and never had a single issue.

Quality :+1:
Availability :+1:
Pricing :+1:
Shipping :+1:


prayer hands emoji


I just got my second liter from mfs since i had the problem and scared to take a chance but I was looking at I believe ecx site looks like there out in the far north west I live in FL just started to look at the prices it’s got my attention I have never visited there site before I read about how they started makes me fell little more comfortable if a doctor is the owner if I read it write that’s who started it seem laid back looks good

I’ve placed the majority of my flavor orders with ECX and have been pleased. Their prices are pretty good and their selection really can’t be beat even though a good portion of it is usually out of stock. I do wish our code was worth 10% (hint hint @DonovanECX ;)), but they’re hard to beat if you’re looking for a one-stop shop. The website has gotten some updates that I like a lot. Speaking of one stop shopping, I’m in need of some flavor restocking so I’m there now. :stuck_out_tongue: We’ll see what I decide to put back and what I can’t live without. LOL.


try UNDERGROUND10 :wink:

As for the ELR code, I’ll run it by the peeps.


Awesome! Thanks. :smile:

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ELRECIPES should give you 10% off most items - At least that’s what I was told (by Timothy)! What does it actually give?


Maybe it does and I just order all the stuff that isn’t included. LoL. It was something like 4.8% on the cart I had earlier. On my current $20.56 cart, ELRECIPES gives $1.56 and UNDERGROUND10 gives $2.39. So about 7.6% vs 11.6% if my math is correct.

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Daath hrmphs :smiley:


Hey I said I didn’t know what they’re like recently … just was calling it how I seen it from experience a few years back. I am not alone on this one ! Hope they are better ! However as for flavors I love ECX to the moon and back !