Nic with pepper taste

Well never did hear back from Headland did receive The nic from MY FREEDOM SMOKE very happy no problem all so found a new company to me called Wizardlab right here in Florida there bulk prices are very good but there selection of flavor 8 mil small bottles for under 2.00 is the best and they are right here in FL And they even answer there phone what a deal SO SEE YA heart land by

Heartland sent me a replacement litre. It’s also 100mg/100%VG . Shook it very well and did a test mixing with a single flavor… It seems ‘off’ too, just not ‘peppery’ this time. Not sure how to explain, but the impression is just that it’s old. Definitely has a slight yellowish tint and an ‘off’ aroma. This is not the quality of nic I’m used to getting from them, so I’m going to order from mfs or nn . Sickens me cuz I loved Heartland. I’ll try them again in a few months.


If it’s wipping your throat out. What is your nic level ??

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I’ve had peppery nic issues lately as well.

As I havent been vaping all that long, I put the taste I was experiencing down to a hangover from the vapers tongue I had a couple of months ago, or something I must’ve been doing wrong with my mixing …or something …until I read this thread.
My nic is from Nicvape. I’ve ordered twice from them- the first batch was good to the last drop. The second started going off when I was about 1/2 way through it. Once the penny dropped, I emailed Nv customer service & they got straight back to me. This was their response…

The peppery taste you are experiencing is indeed a common characteristic
of over steeped nicotine. As a onetime courtesy, we are happy to send a fresh
bottle and ask that going forward you follow these tips to get the most life
out of your diluted nicotine products…
-Store in the refrigerator or even freezer if you will not be using the
product for a while. (I did tell them I used it regularly, & I store it in the dark at room temp)
-Purchase sizes that will allow you to use up the product within 3
months of opening. (I also told them I only order 125ml at a time - approx 3 months supply)
-Make larger batches of your favorite recipes. By doing this, you limit
the number of times the diluted nicotine is exposed to oxygen. The further the
product is diluted, the slower these changes will occur and result in poor
taste. Note-you can even store your e-liquid batches in the fridge

I certainly hope this helps and your nicotine finds you quickly, we’ll
have it shipped no later than tomorrow, 11-17!

Thank You,

Sarah Moore
NicVape Customer Care

Well, props to them I say, for getting straight onto it. 1/2 an hr after I got Sarah’s reply, I received notification that my order had shipped!.. to Australia, free of charge!
Cant ask for more than that!
(I did also tell them I live in a country that harbors draconian laws towards nic & I have no immediately available source - get onto it quick…PLEASE!. This might’ve helped!)

I could’ve responded to Sarah with…

"…a common characteristic of over steeped nicotine."
Yeah, sure. But, over steeped in who’s warehouse?! because I only order 3 months worth at a time
"As a onetime courtesy,…"
Yes, it will be a onetime courtesy, because if it happens again, I’ll be shopping elsewhere.

…but I didnt, because i was so grateful of their immediate resolution. And it also seems to me, based on the nic issues people are having, the problem may not be the vendors, but possibly the manufacturers storing it for too long before releasing it, or some other reason. I know the vendors have a responsibility to sell quality, but, if they can only get what they can get… well… they’re gunna sell it, arent they. Coz business is business!
Lets hope my replacement isnt yellowish or off like yours @Alisa …or peppery.
Sorry to hear!


lemme ask you this: do you get the smell of latex in that new liter you received?

Not latex… not sure how to describe it really. But, taste and smell are so subjective. Sorry I can’t define it better. I just know it’s not supposed to smell and taste this way if it’s fresh. I think they just got an old batch from the manufacturer.
The nic I recieved before from them was always clear and clean. no smell, no color.

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gotcha…i havent checked the color of mine, as it went straight into an amber glass bottle, but i will check the color soon…and it wasnt quite odorless, but it wasnt peppery either…i was unable to describe the smell, my daughter, however, used the word latex to describe the smell…

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I wouldn’t buy nic from Wizard labs nor ecigexpress those have extremely peppery taste to them. If you feel you want to try WL being they ae so close at least buy the smallest amount they offer. Most of us started with these two and they are not high quality. Now they could of changed for the better but no one has ever reported back that they have so we all have continued to think of them as they were …Nasty. Hope they are better.

@vonTrueso thanks for letting us know about Nicvape. I almost ordered from them the other night just to see what they were all about had some decent reviews on their site but noticed they were a little old. If ya can remember let us know how the new batch is when you get it ! At least they responded and did the right thing !


No worries![quote=“Amy2, post:48, topic:34814”]
let us know how the new batch is when you get it
Will do - I’ll check for color, aroma & taste. But, as I said, I’m still pretty new to this. I’ve only ever used Nicvape nic - due to my location & the associated difficulties in acquiring nic, I havent had the opportunity to experiment with others so wont be able to offer any comparisons …but i know its gotta be clear, odorless …& not taste like efing pepper! I’ll let u kno. might be a few weeks - lets hope (for more reasons than 1) its not on the slow boat!

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Vg 80 pg 20 nic 6 running 28 watts / 34 the nic was bad got my new nic from MFS heart land must have had a glitch I just would have been nice if they got back to me in some forms call answer my email

I must say this sickens me as well. I liked the fact that I was able to get a couple flavors I don’t usually have through Heartland when buying Nic but I guess that won’t be happening now. I looked at MFS and their nic is not that bad in price but I can tell you I will not be buying flavors, bottles, or anything else from them. Nearly a 3.5 time markup for retail 4oz bottle of TFA tells me even at wholesale pricing they will be outrageous. It’s a sad day…


I did make the switch back to NN and the price sux but quality is top notch. I hate that heartland has failed us. They were so good and perfect price point. I stopped using them in late August it was the same off taste and not clear.


That was my thoughts even after getting wholesale account with MFS to get my nic but got some wire and made notes on a few other things I just placed a small order with Wizard lab they had in stock 99% of what i was after fair price and 8 mil bottles for 1.79 and 5.40 for 4 Oz +- cheap shipping too


If you ordered Nic from Wizardlabs, good luck! I really hope it’s a LOT better now than when I ordered from them last year.


I think for some time I will stick to MFS. For my nic.
My part I should have known better. Than to mix 400 + mils of great flavor juice that I watched of for weeks .With untested nic so glitches happen every were .Drivers me crazy when I do it


Thanks you know one of my down falls is getting facts .So I made a call to wizard Lab just a few minutes ago WOW .were is your nic from we make are own mixes.OK were dose your ingredients come from US .answer No all nic comes from China or I believe he said India .now I get cocky and is it safe to say it is shipped none refrigerate .YES O

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Well tgats sounds about right. AND EXPLAIN’S a lot. Thanks for that info

It’s safe to say that we as consumers we are also dealing with companies that are probably not refrigerating the nic. We also have to realize that buying nic in the summertime probably is not the best of idea since shipping facilities are rarely even air conditioned let alone refrigerated. I will say that learning not to buy nic in the summer is one of the first things I learned. The nic sits on numerous trucks in above 100 degree temperatures. What chance do you have to get good nic with those conditions. I try to time nic buying so temps are colder and technically refrigerated during the whole shipping process. This way if it left the vendors facility in good shape, it should arrive to me in good shape…


Yes good point .and how long dose it sit before and after its journey what’s it been through . China did they not just blow up a big yard over there .in a terrible accident. it gets to me when I think I am buying juice and nic made in the USA come to find out no such thing .and it’s mixed here I have heard about naked nic mis hap .I do not be leave it was on there nic but there test results are not loaded with NA One after another. and there quick to post pic of there lab I just do not know I am probably just over thinking this

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That’s a really great idea. Buy nic in the winter. Good tip.