Nicotine Woes

Howdy all.
Got a new bottle of 72mg nicotine in PG. Made a couple of 10ml shake & vape recipes at 12mg, vaped them and all was good. Now 12mg makes me sick (not very sick but enough to be concerned) so moved down to 9mg and still made me sick but not as bad, even down to 8mg didn’t help that much. When I was using commercial juice I regularly vaped 18mg and 12mg with no such ill effects. I shake everything thoroughly before I mix and use the e-liquid recipes calculator to mix by weight. I am really stumped as to what the problem is but the funny thing is I had exactly the same problem with the last nicotine I bought (different supplier) except the sickness was MUCH worse. The first few mixes were okay and then I started to get sick. I sent it back assuming the nic content was much higher than stated - though that doesn’t explain the first few recipes being okay. So, I find it very strange that it has happened again with a different supplier. BTW, I’m pretty sure it’s a nicotine issue 'cos I made 2 recipes where the only difference between the two was no nicotine and I don’t react adversely to PG.

Any ideas anyone?

Was there a change from MTL to Sub-ohm in the equation somewhere? (if yes, then for the majority of folks, it’s not recommended you go above 6mg)

If not, then either, your body is adjusting, and you may not be requiring as much as you used to, or there actually is an issue with the nicotine you’re using… Either way, it sounds like you’d benefit from testing your nicotine (by using a nicotine titration kit), or you may also have PG issues. Hard to say with such limited info.

Edit: nice ninja edit on the PG note! Lol


Thanks for replying Sprkslfly. Yeah, you replied during my edit :grinning: I would love to test it but the testing kits only seem to be available in USA. Can’t easily source the required H2SO4 locally.

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Ok… We’ve got a ton of folks that could help… But again, we need a bit more info! :wink:

Have you changed from MTL to Sub-ohm?

Where are you?

What brands of nic have you used so far?


that was my first thought


No. I don’t sub-ohm, I MTL at around 1.3ohms. I am in Ireland. I’ve used Dark Star before (UK). Their nic was okay but they buy in bulk and sell it on so don’t know the brand. That’s what they all do this side of the pond. Don’t want to mention other sources as the law is fuzzy on the subject but the new stuff is, from what seems to be, a reputable dealer.

Or the commercial juice doesn’t contain the amount of nicotine they claim it does. :thinking:
Just saying there is another option to consider.


That’s just what I was thinking :thinking:


I had a similar issue with nic and it seemed to be magnified when it was suspended in pg. After testing absolutely every variable the only conclusion I could come to was that the nic I was using was stronger that what I was used to. I don’t know if this is because of all the sweeteners in commercial juice, if there was less nic in it that stated, or if the 72mg nic I bought was in fact stronger. I made a few recipes at different nic levels and found what worked for me.
As @Sprkslfly has suggested, your body could simply be adjusting and you don’t need what you used to. I would recommend making a few batches at say 4 6 and 8 and see how that works out.


Btw, the law absolutely is not fuzzy on that subject lol

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Hrm, I would’ve thought that would fall under…
“or there actually is an issue with the nicotine”
that you quoted. :wink:

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Josephine_van_Rijn - I hadn’t thought of the commercial being lower that would explain it but across several brands?
Thanks DrChud but I just can’t figure out why the first few batched were fine to vape. I’m mostly only using nic for the TH and have tried 6mg but TH is unsatisfactory.

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That was exactly what I went through also. It was fine one day and the next everything tasted awful and every juice was spicy hot, among other things. The simplest answer was in fact the one that worked, and also the last I tried. Dropping the strength of nic in my juice.

The whole sentence was “or actually there is an issue with the nicotine you are using”, which is the 72mg/ml he bought and has a problem with so no the commercial juice wasn’t in play :nerd_face:
I can be a nitpicker at times :smiley:


Ok. You’ve officially confused me. Lol

Edit: wow. Had to re-read 5 times to have it sink in.
Apologies Josie!! You’re absolutely correct hon!

Let me put it this way then: At no point was I referring to, or thinking about the commercial juice when I replied, as he clearly stated he never had an issue with it :slight_smile: So, at that point, all I was thinking of was what changed. :wink:

Since he’s now dealing with the “grey market” (at best) for sourcing high mg nic, then, in my mind, everything becomes suspect. The nic concentration, the purity, the PG that they’re mixing with it, are they cheating and using salts/etc…

Again, too much room for the unknown without specifics, and even then, it only applies if he bought it from a reputable source. Otherwise, it’s game on, and a free for all guess-fest IMO. =(

It’s also part of the reason I suggested him giving us a location, so someone could hopefully point him to a UK/EU vendor that sells titration kits! :wink:


Can you link a recipe here so that we can check the settings?

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I almost always am (it’s the technician’s nature), but I usually try to have fun with it :wink:

In cases like this though, it’s important to be technically correct, so I’m glad you are! :wink:
Again, well spotted!


I would be really hopeful in that direction too cause I haven’t found one yet. The only thing I’ve found are kits that can detect nicotine in urine, which is kinda a roundabout way to find out what strength my nicotine is :wink:


Hi louiesquared. Don’t have a problem with the settings but here you are anyway - one of my favourites:

If you’re only after the TH, you could try something like FA Flash, adding 1-5% Vodka, or increasing your PG. If you’re MTL and you don’t have a problem with PG, you can probably go pretty high with it.