No More DIY in Indiana

Heading out to the theatre now, but I can’t wait to spend time reading this and getting informed!


For those that don’t want one more tab open, this is a response from CAASA: - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
By “DIY” they mean liquids mixed and packaged in-house by the shop owner or someone selling out of their home (unless they meet all if the licensing requirements, which is unlikely.) There is nothing in the law that stops people from DIYing for their own personal use. The law only applies to liquid being sold or given away.

So, it’s good news bad news, in essence. At least there won’t be issues with private DIY in ones own home for personal use.


Very troublesome… Government overreach no doubt.


Yup! I don’t agree with it one iota!

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So will the flavoring companies stop shipping flavors to us because of this bill?

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I would specifically be more worried about vendors shipping to IN. I doubt they would ever raid a personal home for suspicion of DIY. But purchasing stock might be a bit more difficult. This is interesting


Can we get some sort of update on this topic? As someone living in Indiana this is a very important topic to me, and I am having trouble finding the information for myself :frowning: I cannot find any recent legislature on this topic and after the investigations by the FBI into the original law they have taken down all the old info that was posted… Please help!! I just wanna be able to live by the letter of the law, or at least advocate for what I believe in as an informed citizen.

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Maybe you can find something useful in these articles:


Thank you that does help a bunch. Also it sucks really bad :frowning:


That’s so cute :slight_smile:

Some day I will have a warehouse full of Lambos, Ferraris and Mclarens, all filled with super models and Jelly Bellys :smirk:


you mean super models with jelly bellies right?


I know this isn’t a recent post, but I live in Indiana and have never had ANY trouble getting my nic, flavorings, or pg/vg. I’ve DIY’d for 6 years and don’t even pay attention to their stupid regs.There are ways around everything. I don’t think any of the companies I order from have the word vape in the title, and it doesn’t say it on the package. Just use a little common sense and caution and you won’t have any trouble.