No tyranny. Just misunderstandings

Anything considered by one person to be a shit recipe, might be perfect for someone else. I agree that the recipe side is cluttered and chaotic but that’s how LIFE is. Personally, I feel it’s better to have to dig around for what fits me and my tastes, rather than have some stranger on the internet hand me what they consider the best.


i don’t look at the recipes anymore either, don’t need to, my experience with this forum was, get welcomed in by some amazing people, learn the ropes, mix the top rated 10 or 15 recipes, learn from them, then do your own…which incidentally are way better than they were before i did the first step, from then on the only recipes I mix that aren’t mine are given to me or recommended by my ELR family, I trust their knowledge and advice, I learn, I listen, I’m set :wink::thumbsup:
And I can’t thank them all enough :grin:


That’s the beauty of the freedom Lars gives us though, we all learn in our own ways. I’m doing things a little backwards from you I think. I already know the kinds of flavor profiles I like and the new things I want to try that I’ve never seen in a vape juice before. I have yet to make an exact replica of anyone else’s juices but some of what I’ve made was based on an idea from one recipe combined with two others.

I use the recipe side to get an idea of how people use the same flavors that I have or that I’m trying to develop. If I was using the forum side for all of my questions, rather than figuring it out for myself, you guys would think I was an irritating spammer with all my constant questions. :confused:


you kidding no way, THAT is the essence of this forum, these guy LOVE a question and they like nothing more than to know they have helped you in some way, seriously, I have only been in this forum around 4 months or so and I would not be where I am now without them, best bunch of crazy ass motherf*&kers I’ve ever known, there’s a core group of regulars that are ALWAYS on hand for advice, and i very much count them as my friends now, spammers and trolls are sniffed out almost immediately lol…and sent to slaughter :smiling_imp:


This may upset a few people, but people are taking ejuice recipes WAY too seriously! From people fighting about who’s the best or trying to be mr elite, etc… Way too much arrogance and disrespect out there and at the end of the day, it’s just frickin ejuice!
I have been a chef for decades and I have never seen issues like this with recipes and recipe sites. I kind of sit back and just laugh at some of these people! Come on man, you’re making a strawberry cheesecake flavored ejuice, not the cure for fucking cancer!! Lol.
Don’t get me wrong, I love playing around with flavors and juice, but that’s just it… playing. It should all be about having fun and sharing. I have never run across a food site, or whatever, that won’t let you in unless you pay them, nor have I met any of these assholes who think they are Gods because they can make a super secret raspberry vinaigrette.
Sorry if I am coming off as an ass, I just don’t understand some of these people


Oh I know! I love the folks here, they’re wonderful! I did ask a bunch of questions when I had a tough flavor situation with a tight budget. Tons of people gave me excellent advice.

Most of the time though, I can enter my question in the search and find someone else had asked months ago, so I get my answer that way. A lot of times I feel like there’s a fine line between truly needing expert advice and simply wanting the answer handed to you without any effort. I like to learn the hard way, drove my mom nuts but that’s the truth, lol.


dude…I’ve been saying exactly this all along! it’s candy for the lungs, you’re inhaling a desert, get a grip! lol…can you imagine a bunch of kids in a sweet shop arguing about who makes the best pear drop??..people forget that this hobby is just f&*king fun…plain and simple. FUN.


Oh and FYI, you’re tip with the LA Cheesecake and Cream Cheese icing?..

SO good, I have like three adaptions with it on constant rotation, much appreciation for that man :thumbsup:


I will expect a deposit of $300 for that tip. PayPal is ok



I can get LA Cheesecake at the shop here in town, The single flavor test has been steeping over a month now, should I test it?

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you’re taking this vaping thing far to seriously man…

you should totally lighten up…



absolutely :thumbsup:


You know you got him by the balls now right, that means you went kinda cheap and should actually raise the prize even more :laughing:


And I want $250 for each and every person you tell this tip too! No exceptions!


There you go, thats more like it. You milk him good :laughing: :laughing:


shit…I’ve just made it public…


but why limit so.ething that makes someone proud , thats a good feeling to publish a recipe your proud of regardless of what others think being able to post a recipe keeps some people moving along and sometimes those recipes get the help it needs to become what may attract others to it , dont get me wrong the duplicate bronut or bust a nut recipes are old but its a part of the process and then lets just get rid of all the strawberry creams since they ultimately taste the same right ??? Anyway why should we give a shit about that site anyway we have the best site with the best people so let thwm do what they want


Guess this means you know that all your future earnings now belong to @DarthVapor :laughing:


YOU NAILED IT enough said

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what was that tip ???

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