Ok. Thank you all.
Now please don’t freak out. I actually do know what I’m doing. I was genuinely interested to see what this community would say and react to this question. I must say I’m impressed with mostly support but saddened at the attacks.
My real build is Nikrothal 80 24g 9wrap 3mm ID, which is 0.3ohms, In series regulated half way.
Why I asked this is because someone blew their cricket up and said they were afraid of asking and tried to teach themselves…
This here makes at least me curious since i personally haven’t seen any attacks and i suspect it is my post you are referring to. And since you use the word attacks there must be something else that i am missing
and can’t find in this thread.
Edit! I do think it is a total dick move to do what you have done here and i totally agree on @TheTinMan1 assessment on you.
Hey man, I must apologize for calling you to this thread. It is because of me that you wrote out a long thoughtful post to this fuckstick. I won’t make the mistake of being helpful to him again and certainly won’t involve good people like you in his fuckery.
If you could have just squeezed another couple of fucks out you’d be beating @Skullblade789 record
I’m unsure why the OP needed to ‘test’ the community. If you know how to use the mod then use it, if you don’t then don’t be a dickhead and risk your safety by trying.
Maybe the OP is conducting a psychological study on common sense for research purposes?
Anyways…now that the truth has outed, I say we put this thread to bed
I might shut up in a minute, but then again I might not. But I have questions.
You said at first that the shop installed this coil for YOU. So you are in fact trashing vape shops. Taking away a trust factor from vape shops. That’s not really a question, that is me pointing out again that you are a dickhead.
In reality your friend did this to himself. He was afraid to ask. Does he not know how to use fucking Google? YouTube? Are all your friends fucktards? Is that where you get your fucktardness from? These aren’t really questions that have to be answered. I’m again just pointing out the obvious. Dickhead.
Impressed with the support? Clearly you’ve not even done a cursory inspection of the posting done by members of ELR. There is virtually zero elitism or snobbery here, or people who try to just throw information out there whether they know of what they speak or not. No, the caliber of individual here is for the most part very honest, helpful and kind. Maybe you should take this little trick to ECF and see how it goes there. Better yet, Reddit.
Attacks? What attacks? [quote=“Shaun9, post:1, topic:137709”]
I’m learning and don’t want to blow Up
No, you’re a liar and your little ruse has garnered ZERO RESPECT from me and I’m willing to bet from anyone else either. Personally I’ll view all your future posts with skepticism. Douche.
My guess is that this guy has burnt himself on ELR with this stunt of his and i’m pretty sure the good people here won’t lift a finger to help him out since no one actually knows if he is serious or just testing the community yet again. Asshattery comes with a cost and this guy must come to realize that he now has to pay that price.
You said it much better than I ever could. But to be honest I was a little pissed.
I didn’t have the answer but I knew you could help. I keep up with what fine members, like yourself, have to say. This is one of the most helpful communities I’ve ever been involved in. It is people like you that make it so great. Keep up the good work my southern brother.
No no, you are all wrong. We are the ones that are saddened with this stunt of yours.
Honestly this nice community got no room for asshats like yourself.
Let me get this straight.
I show you all the end result. I did post a false question but admitted to it.
The result of admitting is vulgar language and mockery.
I honestly expected backlash but not anything like this.