November 13, 2015 - Paris

The topic is an easy one to get emotional over. Opinions vary greatly and I dare not judge anyone’s idea on how much retaliatory killing is enough :slight_smile: Ok, I’m not supposed to be talking anymore about this according to my own words, but I can’t help myself. Having served my country during peacetime I honestly can’t say much from a battlefront perspective, only that yes, there are civilian casualties that will happen in almost any retaliation. Moreso here because they’re all civilians (meaning not part of a national armed force). But I also take the GW Bush attitude -

Terrorists are the enemy
Those who offer aid or comfort to terrorists are the enemy
Those who offer safe harbor for the terrorists are the enemy

I have felt like we are living in prophetic times for a long time now. More so every day. Remember if you are so learned that the end will come as birth pangs on a pregnant woman. Right now it seems she’s fully dilated.

Politics and religion, yikes. Maybe now it’s my real last post :slight_smile:


Like minds…

:musical_score: Well I know there can come tears from the eye, but they may as well all be in vain. And even though I know these tears come with pain, even so and just the same. Make it rain


This is very true. I was reading in the paper yesterday of the feelings of those in Iraq and the like. They wonder why there is not the sentiment for those killed daily in their countries. I can’t argue that we kinda ignore their plight because this kinda thing is common place in these countries. I will say if we didn’t feel as though we were hated just because we are who we are then I think we would have much different feelings when we hear of their tragedies…


I disagree. I do believe there is that sentiment. Leaders from all over the western world have tried and failed to broker peace with them, but there is a stark difference between the world reacting to a terrorist attack against peaceful nation and the civil uprisings these people always have. We can’t nor shouldn’t expend a lot of resources defending them from themselves. Yeah I know…I just painted the entire Middle East with a broad brush. But when it’s them attacking the defenseless, the innocent, and the ones who are bearing them no hostility then it is righteous to react with force. On the other hand, when they have those problems within their own borders, conscript their children into servitude, and then not only fail to ask for help but threaten the west against any involvement, what can you do? I feel sorry for their innocent, but distinguishing them from the evil ones is purt near impossible. Best they get out of the way.


this is bad ass!!! go team go