Now e-leaf


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Uh and a third button!

I don’t know much about TC other than what I’ve read and what my smok m80+ can do (which I understand is not real TC), but isn’t a 40w a tad on the low side as far as power? Would it be worth purchasing a 40W?

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Eleaf 40w TC shown here with a Goblin Mini coiled for TC

Seems to have plenty of power being the main purpose of this mod is temperature control. It will do up to 600 degrees. In wattage mode some might want more…

The third button is no big deal. Hold it down to toggle temp or wattage mode. The rest of the buttons are your normal Eleaf functions…

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I had put off getting one (I love/hate Eleaf for the iSticks/problems) but…

Originvape is moving them for $25, plus ~$5 shipping. Warehouse in NY state.

Just bought one five minutes ago. :smile:

I will say OriginVapes is on the ball. I ordered at ~3 or 4 am here. 6 or 7 AM NY time and they emailed me a tracking # about two hours later.

A couple hours ago USPS show the package had already moved out their dist. center in NY state. I doubt they’ll update tracking much over the weekend so I should be prepared for a Mon. morning surprise delivery.

I should have bought two. :smile:

If… if, if, if, the new fire button and having the 510 not right on top of it, solves the autofire issues… this could be a good value small TC mod. Certainly a good price for a semi-disposable 40w 2600 mAh knockabout.

C’mon Eleaf… make me a believer again. :smile: