Now UK seems to be the same as USA

This is a pretty big statement to go back on -


Very true. They just like to point the finger when someone dies


THE big question is still, what’s going to happen with Brexit? If it’s going to be an extreme hard Brexit, politicians and big corporations will take over and the word of science won’t be worth a penny. British politicians constantly make u-turns and nobody looks up anymore. It’s a very unstable environment… it’s fucking scary.


i agree, dark times really where those in charge can turn on a six pence


I know it’s almost sureal how they trump-up the fear into the population and other countries.

Here’s some Colin Powell satire…


We know who’s talking.

I don’t think the situation has changed, my daughter asked her dad why he didn’t start vaping the last time she visited him and he said it was worse than cigarettes. So this BS has been going around the UK for a while.
That’s Fake News for you, they don’t do facts.


There is Prof Dame Sally Davies, who “The Sun” trumpeted a while back (Oct 14, 2019) dissing flavors.

Also similarly trumpeted by “The Telegraph” (on Oct 13, 2019, behind a pay-wall).

Davies has recommended banning promotion and advertising of junk foods. She wants plain packaging for junk foods as for cigarettes, She wants VAT increases on junk foods high in fat, salt or sugar, Davies said, “I think the polling data is pretty clear. The public think it’s time that governments acted to protect their children. Overweight and obesity is because we are all in this flood of unhealthy food marketing and advertising. We need to close those floodgates."

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This is all fake news. The girl pictured all over the article is American and is still alive, and the (completely unrelated to her) death was in 2012, and linked to vaping cannabis OIL. The first person to allegedly die here was in 2010 and the evidence is that the widow “thinks it must have been vaping” nothing to do with years and years of smoking then.

The Daily Mail is famous here in the Uk for its rampant scare-mongering and extremely right wing bias.

Obviously there can’t be that much of a problem if they can only find TWO people (with very tenuous links) in the last DECADE!


Rupert Murdoch no longer “does” new-conferences:


Really now i feel like a silly twat i apologise for re posting fake news


Sorry, its not really “fake”, its scare-mongering. Its good to know your enemy though so crack on! :slightly_smiling_face:


Roughly half of humankind have “twats” - whereas “twits” (as found on “twit-tar”) come in multiple genders.


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By the way, The Daily Mail is owned by 4th Viscount Rothermere, who inherited it from his father 3rd Viscount Rothermere. The company is called Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT)

Rupert Murdoch owns News UK (which used to be News International) and has the title The Sun, and The Times, along with SkyNews and Fox. Basically he owns most of the newspapers that got caught phone hacking celebrities.


Thank you for “setting me straight” on that. Guess I must have read/seen (such) on the “flake news” … :stuck_out_tongue:


I wasn’t correcting you, there’s a few posts saying the same so I just thought I’d put it out there.
And I have no clue about who owns what in USA, so swings and roundabouts.

Murdoch is by no means innocent though, so whatever you find to slag him off is justified! :rofl:


Will this do?


Just before (or just as ?) todays THC news (CDC, all 29 ill/dead had Vit E Acetate in lungs) came in, UK-based “The Telegraph” - holding up a new Lancet publishing (that costs money to be privileged to read), wallowing with furrowed brows, and waxing abstruse pathological prose about the (CDC’s very own) recently invented, and mysterious (even to its inventors), “EVALI” - took a sharp stab at throwing Nicotine vaping “under the bus”.

(November 8, 2019):
“Vaping is causing lung damage, Lancet study finds as medics urge public to avoid e-cigarettes”