Nude Nicotine

I just got a free 15ml bottle of Nude Nicotine today, and I gotta say it really is better than the Wizard Labs nic I have in my opinion. It’s very smooth right out of the gate. I’m not affiliated with NN in any way, but just wanted to let any newbies like me know if you’re not sure who to buy nic from. The only issue I have is that it came in an awkward vial that can’t stand up on its own during mixing, but I would assume their standard 50ml and up orders are in regular bottles.


Nude Nic is great nicotine, no doubt. But Heartlandvapes is just as good IMHO and costs a LOT less.

NN - 1Litre 100mg - $105
HV - 1Litre 100mg - $44.99

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I recieved my 15ml sample today as well its clear and almost odorless… it was a bit harsh but i believe that was because i didnt shake it up enough and it didnt mix up good enough when i shook it in the test tube it came in

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I’ve tried both NN and WL nic and they are basically the same. Before you make your final decision on the NN go through the same procedure of steeping and Vape the sample completely then try WL again. Bet you’ll agree, not enough difference to pay extra cost.
However to each their own.
Another thing I noticed about NN is it seemed like I had to up the flavor percentage.

Edit: Always taste better when it’s free!!! LOL!!!


You speak the truth my friend.