Odd update: A notebook at your disposal

So, it’s been a while since I released anything new. I apologize for that, but I have so much to do.
Even though I have mountains of improvements and updates to do, I decided to make a “fun” little tool.
At any page on ELR you can now press ALT+N or ALT+CTRL+N and a notepad will appear - there you can jot down anything you want. If you click the red X or press ESC it will discard your changes. If you press ALT+ENTER or the green check-mark it will save your changes and close.
It’s a small thing, but I find it’s a useful little tool to have! :slight_smile:
You can also activate the notepad by clicking the little notepad-icon at the bottom right of the screen. It will be gray if it’s empty and blue if you have something there (a reload might be necessary after you enter something into it).

The notebook is global, and not tied to a specific page - So whenever you call up the notebook, it’s always the same notes.

I hope you all stay safe and vape and mix happily!



Thank You Lars, Thank you for all your hard work and making ELR such a special forum.


that will surely come in handy, Lars… big thanks!! :slight_smile:


You ROCK Lars, your site has helped me SO much … MUCH appreciated ! :+1:


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