What’s up vapefam!
SirRisc here with another gear review, a slightly controversial one at that!
I will be looking into a clone of one of the most popular Variable Voltage devices from the US, the Hexohm.
This mod is marketed as the Ohm Hexohm style V3, before that it was marketed as the Ohm Subox V3.
Before you unleash an unholy torrent of rage upon me, please step back and take a deep breath, because you’re in for a rant here.
This Ohm Hexohm style V3 was sent to me for the purpose of this review by Gearbest!

Alright, ranting time!
I know a lot of you are itching to start calling me names and telling me to do unspeakable things to myself, but hold your hate until you’ve read what I have to say about this.
(Actually… take your hate elsewhere. Nobody needs hate.)
When I first got this mod in for review, I did as I always do: I take it out of the bag/box, then do the photoshoot, and post a vapemail shot to my Instagram.
That last bit is where I got the first part of hatred poured over me, to the point where I had to block and report a guy for spamming my page.
He was posting snarky comments about it being a clone (which I had made clear in the photo description), and then proceeded to comment on every single one of my photos with things like “I hope it explodes”, “fuck clones!”, “die already”, “cheapass cloner”, and more of such intelligent commentary.
Now folks, I know this is a clone. I know the authentic Hexohm will be different. It may be better, I don’t know because I don’t own an authentic Hexohm.
I know this shouldn’t be marketed as being a Hexohm clone. The packaging states Hexohm V3, but there’s no such thing.
The authentic Hexohm recently received a big update, which is now known as the Hexohm 2.1, and that’s what this mod attempts to replicate.
The difference lies in a couple of things, most noteable one being the price.
The authentic Hexohms are pricey, let’s not bullshit around that. I don’t care how much you earn, or how rich or poor you are, they’re not cheap.
But you do get a proper mod for it, you get excellent customersupport for it (from what I hear), and you get to say you own an authentic. You become part of the HexohmNation.
The price of this Ohm Hexohm style V3 is a lot lower and it will essentially do the same thing, but without the above perks.
If you look at the bigger picture all mods do the same thing, but that’s another discussion in itself.
Another difference is the body of the mod, while the authentic has a more rounded shape the clone will be a little more square. The corners are more defined but still rounded enough to feel nice in the hand.
In terms of size they’re pretty much the same.
And then we come to the most obvious part, the logo. On the authentic Hexohm the hexagonal around the Omega is slightly rounded and smoothed out, the clone however has a very sharp hexagonal.
And it’s a bit of a fickle point at that, because it sprouted the discussion whether or not a clone should have a logo on it.
Most of the time I’ll agree on the fact that the logo shouldn’t be cloned over and it should just be sold as an unbranded mod.
However I chose to have a clone with a logo, despite the fact that this Ohm Hexohm style V3 is also sold unbranded, eg without logo.
Why did I choose to have one with a logo? Because I could, because it’s not a bad mod, because they will be sold no matter how much you try to ignore it.
With that out of the way, I want to touch briefly on the fact that a couple of people found it necessary to wish me harm for reviewing a clone.
I’ve reviewed clones before, but this one got me a fair bit more negative comments (which I fully expected, though not in this magnitude) than others did.
I get that you want to support a company, I get that Craving Vapor has put in the time and money to develop the authentic Hexohm, and I get that you don’t like clones.
But seriously, wishing someone harm for this stuff? Spamming an Instagram page for it? That’s taking it too far.
It’s that attitude which makes vaping look bad. It’s that attitude that will end up being a news story sooner or later. It’s that attitude that will be used against us.
It’s bad enough we have pharmaceutical companies and tobacco companies trying to kill off vaping as we know it, should we really be fighting amongst ourselves because we disagree on something?
In my humble opinion, no. In fact I think you should take a step back and reevaluate what you’re saying if you want to wish someone harm.
Because not only are you a perfect example for the anti-vaping lobby to use against vaping, you’re effectively trying to kill your own hobby.
And before you go off on yet another tangent about these clones killing Craving Vapor, ask yourself this: do you really believe that everyone who bought this clone would have spent their money on an authentic?
Anyway, enough ranting and bitching about this. I’ll put it simple:
If you can afford to buy the authentic, you should.
If you can’t afford the authentic, you should read this review and decide for yourself.
- Variable Voltage regulation with an unbranded OKL type chip (I couldn’t confirm which chip)
- 3V to 6V poweroutput (±180W maximum output at 0.2ohm)
- Powered by 2*18650 batteries wired in series
- Springloaded 510 pin
- Aluminium body
- Magnetic batterydoor
- 0.2ohm minimum resistance, 3ohm maximum
- 20A rating, able to push 30A for short amounts of time
- Available in red, black, blue, silver, and all kinds of combinations with splatter paint.
For those of you who are reading this on a mobile connection, here is a link to the gallery.
The Ohm Hexohm style V3 comes in a plastic casing, which is fairly standard these days.
The labeling states Hexohm V3 on the sides and the back, which I honestly feel should be changed to something like “Variable Voltage boxmod”.
Inside of the casing, you’ll find a basic usermanual that shows the dimensions of the mod, and basic instructions on how to safely use it.
Underneath is a foam insert holding the mod in place.
Very basic packaging, but enough to keep the mod safe and sound until you start using it.
Some photos…


Before you ask, I can’t in good conscience compare it to the authentic Hexohm because I simply don’t own an authentic Hexohm.
The potentiometer on the side is fingernail friendly, which means you can adjust it on the go without having to grab a screwdriver.
Mine does seem to deviate just a tad, if I turn it to maximum power it should stop at 100 but it goes just passed that.
It doesn’t output more than 6V though, so I assume it’s just an aesthetic deviation.
The display just above the potentiometer displays the output voltage in bright blue numbers.
One of the disadvantages is that upon pressing the firebutton, it will take about half a second for the display to actually show the current voltage while firing.
The firebutton is soft and doesn’t have any locking feature, it’s a very basic mod in that regard.
There’s no clicking, no real way to feel where the contact is actually made, but it does feel very comfortable to push and hasn’t misfired once.
The 510 is a Fat Daddy Vapes styled 510, it sits just above the mod and has 5 channels for airflow which feel rather sharp.
The centerpin in the 510 is brassplated and springloaded, which allows any atomizer to sit flush on the mod.
When you take off the batterydoor, which is held on with 4 magnets, the 510 will hang over the edge a little bit.
The battery compartement is very clean and the internals are nicely covered with a plastic cover.
On the side you’ll see some insulationtape for the wiring, and on the other side you’ll find a ribbon to get the batteries out easier.
The batterycontacts are smooth and don’t pull on wraps at all, in fact it’s one of the easier batterysleds I’ve used to date.
One of the biggest disadvantages I’ve found with this mod is the lack of low voltage cutoff.
The mod will keep firing the maximum available power from the batteries, even if they’re discharged beyond 3.2V.
This could be a batterykiller in that regard, and requires a bit more attention on the users part.
I almost killed a pair of 25R batteries because I wasn’t paying attention to this.
The mod will fire no less than 3.6V when the batteries are fully charged, which can deliver some unexpected results sometimes.
The internals underneath the plastic cover are definitely not the cleanest, but they’re certainly not a mess either.
There’s no sign of any hotglue, the wiregauges are done right and the solderpoints are clean.
Underneath the chip is another piece of insulationtape to keep the chip from shorting against the body.
The plastic cover is held on with a minimum of glue, which I had to reglue after taking it off.
As I stated in the ranting part above, the mod does come with the Hexohm logo printed on it but is also sold without branding.
Whether or not you like the branding, it’s there and it’s a proper quality paintjob that doesn’t seem to come off easily.
The aluminium body is fairly light at 150grams and is very easy to hold, despite its somewhat sharper edges.
The black finish is very scratchproof too, which rather surprised me. It’s an anodized black finish, while the branding is plain white paint.
I expect the splatter versions of this mod to have some more grip to them because of the thickness of the paint.
The big button takes a bit of getting used to but does feel very comfortable.
The batterydoor is held on by 4 rather big magnets and doesn’t wiggle about when using the mod.
On the bottom end of the door is a slight indentation to get your fingernails under when you want to remove the door.
A few more photos…

Pros and Cons.
- Simple and easy to use
- High power output (±180W maximum)
- Lightweight but sturdy as fuck
- Very clean internals
- Cheap
- Potentiometer is fingernail friendly
- All atomizers sit flush
- Springloaded 510
- No locking feature, making it very unfriendly to pockets
- No low voltage cutoff
- Outputs 3.6V with freshly charged batteries
- Marketed as Hexohm V3
- Marketed as Hexohm V3
- Marketed as Hexohm V3
In conclusion.

Now that I’ve ranted about this mod and reviewed it, I’m still quite happy with it.
I hate the fact that it’s being marketed as being the Hexohm V3 because it really shouldn’t be, but the mod performs very well for such a low price.
The ease of use is great, and the high poweroutput is definitely something I can appreciate (those bigass claptons don’t fire themselves, y’know).
That said, I would definitely advise you to get an authentic if you can afford it. After all we still need to support companies that put in the time and money to develop mods like this.
If you’re looking for a cheaper solution though, this could definitely be a good buy.
For those of you who are now foaming at the mouth and preparing to start ramming out a torrent of hatred because I reviewed this mod, please don’t.
I welcome a healthy debate about the subject of clones versus authentic, but keep it civilized. Don’t go wishing someone harm because you have different opinions.
I reviewed this mod because I realize that clones are a big part of vaping, regardless of our stance towards them.
Would I rock an authentic Hexohm if I could afford to buy it? Fuck yes, I would. But for now, this one will have to do.
Should you buy an authentic if you can afford it? Fuck yes, you should!
In closing I would like to thank Gearbest for sending me the Ohm Hexohm style V3 for review!
And of course all of you who read my reviews, thank you very much!
Join me next time for a review of yet another cloned mod, the Tuglyfe unregulated boxmod in lime green with red splatterpaint!
After that one, I will return to reviewing authentic gear with things like the Wotofo Sapor, the Cloupor Mini Plus, the Joyetech Ego One CT, and a couple of others… Fun times ahead!
I’m always looking for more opportunities to review! Do you think your stuff has what it takes? Get in touch!
I can be reached on my website, via DM on Instagram, on the Facebook page, via DM on Reddit, or via DM on ELR.
#staycloudy !
SirRisc disappears in a cloud of blackberry scented vapor