The possibilities are ENDLESS!!! Who knows I may like it so much I have to reorder a BIG bottle of it.
The risks we all take to make the “perfect” recipe lol… I hope it might work out for you!
Fingers Crossed I think I will try a mix using FLV Vanilla Custard tomorrow just for the hay of it see how it turns out until I can get an order in for the EGG order lol. I will def order the Eggroll to try out I think it will be one I would use often even if it doesn’t work exactly for my FT. If I don’t like it, it isn’t gonna be the first flavor I ordered that just sits there staring at me being unused lol… Thank you for your help I appreciate it loads and loads.
@a_jhasty0830 @woftam nailed it. It really doesn’t need much tweaking. You could add a splash of INW Custard or CAP VC if you wanted to boost, but you might be surprised when you try it solo.
I did a SFT when I first got it in, I tried it after 24 hours, 8 days and again at 2 weeks steep and it is a really great FT but it is a little Maple heavier to me than anything I have done a mix of it with a couple drops of OOO FT and it added that crispy just shy of being a little charred edges taste to it which made it that much better but still missing something so next time I added 1% Cinnamon Pastry and that made the breadiness stand out more for me now I am just missing the Fried Eggy part of it. Once I find the right flavor to give it the Egginess it will be perfect for me. I am almost positive it will be. That is the only thing my mix is missing now is that Egg.
That’s the same problem I’ve been having since cap disco’d their French toast.
Everyone seems to over do the syrup. Or worse, use Maple for the syrup.
Maple on French toast… Pffbbt.
I order savory flavors from FA all the time, like Corn & Butter etc. I have not tried the Egg Yolk, but if I was desperate for a true, cooked egg taste I would give it a go. That flavor contains the usual warnings (like Corn & Butter) about Diacetyl/Diketones, so use at your own risk.
I usually order from BCF and they don’t have the Egg Yolk so I had no clue there was such a flavor lol… Thank you for your help…
Thank You for helping… much appreciated
I hate that I totally missed out on CAP FT… I have heard amazing things about it and … I can’t get it… Story of my life… I will get it figured out and find my perfect FT that suits my taste buds even if it takes the next 20 years… Lets hope I get it much much sooner than that. lol
hmmm have you tried meringue? maybe a lil eggnog with some of that FA amber to cook it?
I did not find INW custard very eggy which is why I prefer CAP.
Don’t think custard would be help this kind of recipe it would make it a dessert.
Inw custard is my favorite and always the first custard too pick. BUt too me it’s not eggy, nutty yes above a certain percentage, thick as well.
Wonder at what percentage people trying it, I tested it from 0.25-6% and while it gets weird above 4% for me, still get no egg. Maybe way higher?
I would also agree that cap v1 is the most eggy custard with as you describe it bad vanilla, reason I hate that custard. V2 isn’t much better.
Anyways there’s plenty of flavors, besides custards, that have a eggy note, that could benefit even your toast, if used as a accent and not main note.
Custard I get a lot of egg from besides cap is (FA) custard premium. Only available over in europe/uk but if you order butter/egg yolk anyways, maybe grab that.
(pur) vanilla custard
(Tpa) vanilla custard
And maybe I’m alone here, but I get a slight egg from (flv) pudding and custard. Weirdly enough not from their V. Custard, which too me taste more like the pudding should have tasted…maybe my labels for switched lol
Bakeries that too me have a very prominent egg note are:
(Vta) croissant (tons of egg and butter)
(WF) crepe
(FA) cakes, besides the absurd amount of lemon zest, most of them have a egg note.
Ice creams with egg, too me at least
(Cap) vanilla ice cream
(Hs) French vanilla as well as their regular vanilla ice cream
(Tpa) vanilla bean ice cream
(Lb) vanilla ice cream, if you use it as primary and push it up. Careful it can and will mute other top heavy flavors.
Pretty sure there’s more, but right off my head, this ones jump right out.
Maybe it’s helpful, but then again we all know how subjective this is, especially in the case of EGG!
I don’t mix at high %'s at all I usually try to keep each flavor 2% and below when I can help it, I know there are those that just don’t reach potential until 3% (as far as my tastes goes) So if I used INW Custard it would def be a really low % of it. Anything I have tried of CAP that is a “Vanilla” has that just weird taste. I think it is a super artificial taste that is putting me off on them maybe? I just ordered 7 of the PUR flavors to try end of last week and didn’t get the Vanilla Custard of course lol… TPA Vanilla Custard and their VBIC are both very buttery to me so those may work if I can find the sweet spot with the % WF Crepe I get a supper heavy spice note, not cinnamon but more like Anise or CLove it kinda puts me off of it I am still trying to find the right mix for it to be able to use it (and I really want to be able to use it as I am a big fan of WF )
I thought about ordering FLV Custard to try, I mean the picture on its thumbnail at BCF is of an egg yolk in a half shell lol so you’d think it would be eggy. I was going to give it a mix with FLV Vanilla Custard this evening and see how it turned out. I may try one with the Vanilla Pudding as well even though I haven’t gotten any egg notes from it, but it may be what I have mixed it with that has kept me from getting that egg from it too… Its worth a shot, I only mix in 10 or 15ml test batches so it’s not like I lose a ton when something doesn’t work out. Thank you for all your help it has def gave me a few more routes to toy with… Much appreciated as always…
I hadn’t thought to try eggnog with it because when i think of eggnog I think of what it actually tastes like to me when I have tried to drink it before. I’m not a fan of the texture of real eggnog either. Way too Thick I guess is the word I’m looking for to describe it lol. But thank you for your suggestion it may very well be one that could work for what I am wanting in my mix…
Well, I would have to suggest Health Cabin Egg Custard. That stuff is eggy as I have ever tasted and it may work for what you are trying for.
I did not see it there last night BB… best thing I could say was eggroll…
I tried to click on eggroll and it wouldn’t take me to it and then I searched it and it wouldn’t bring it up. They must be out of it I’m guessing. I will just have to order from diyvs. I will check there for the egg custard too who knows I may order them both lol
Yes @anon84779643,thank you, I forgot that they recently removed that from their line. I’m glad I bought a bunch a while back because I love to add a little to my vanilla custards.I guess I will have to import it from their source unless a vendor in the U.S. will stock some again one day. Shipping will probably be steep but it’s the only place I know for sure to get the Egg Custard, the ones who make it.
But on the other hand, I still see it here but not too sure how long.
Whaaaat? =P
I’m a powdered sugar kinda guy for starters!
Second, if there has to be syrup… Then either Log Cabin or Aunt Jemima!
Now, if it were hotcakes… Then Boysenberry all the way! lol
But we are talking French toast here
(or trying to anyways, apologies OP. chuckles)