As the titles says. I’m trying to find the best blackcurrant flavour that really stands out in full flavour, sweetness and tartness.
So far in my stash I have blackcurrant from the following:
Tfa (TPA), fa, vapable, vampire vapes and vapours r us.
The vapours r us is too weak, tfa and fa are very similar yet fa is far more concentrated, vapable is a very sweet blackcurrant but lacks all tartness. Vampire vapes is very well rounded with a lovely tartness and so far my favourite but the price is ridiculous - £9.99 for 30 ml, I can get 90ml of tfa for under £6 so paying more than 3 times as much sways me well away from vv.
I would love to know your experiences with blackcurrants and your favourite ones plus any good recipes to share.
I just made a bunch of black currant mixes with the Inawera. It’s true to flavor but very strong, strong, strong. After I mixed it I had to cut the mix with about 30% VG to knock it down. (Might not be enough of a cut either, might have to do it again)
It is very much like the coffee flavors and takes over the mix. But it’s very good if you like Black Currant.
Thanks for the replies. I was thinking of trying inawera, not tried any decadent vapours before. I’ll look into both of those. Really want to find a full flavoured almost overbearing Ribena style blackcurrant that I can mix up with anise and koolada for a fresh vape
Thank you. Another one to the order list. I have the inawera on the way. Wanted to try decadent vapours one but was put off by the price, I’ll have a look at totally wicked then and see if I can get a bottle of that as well.
Agreed INW Black Current is a good flavor but strong AF. Can become “sulphury” if used to high. I suggest 3-6 drops per 30ml somewhere in the 0.25-.0.5% range. Molinberry black current is good as well and a little easier to work with. FA is use as a booster. I find most FA are better suited as additives. I have not tried TFA
Perhaps some of the aforementioned concentrates are just blends of existing parent company concentrates. Google “Docs flavoring” which will yield a spreadsheet of flavor vendors and which are rebottled brands. May save some loot by avoiding brands which are mere blends of other brands
Thanks for this. I’ve been wondering about rebranded liquids. I saw previously about inw blackcurrant needing a good steep and breathe in higher percentages to allow the flavour to develop. The person who used it regularly said it’s the best blackcurrant but will taste terrible until steeped properly.
I have managed to create a great blackcurrant using a blend of vapable, vv and a little fa. But I’m hoping to find a single flavour that is as complete to save money. I will however if it comes to it make my own concentrate from blends of others so that it’s ready to use.
There’s a vimto on the market (can’t remember the company but remember it had cloud chasing written on the bottle) that has a lovely blackcurrant taste to it and was wondering if they use a single blackcurrant as a base for their liquid.
FA Blackcurrant is awesome. Tastes just like Ribena. Also benefits from its ability to be shaked n vaped. I’m almost 100% certain it’s the main note in a lovely premium juice called Utopia by Rapture, which I recently cloned.
I have fa and agree it’s a good vape, I have tfa, inawera, vapable, vapours r us and vampire vapes. I’ve found that still the best blackcurrant vape I’ve tried is 9% vampire vape blackcurrant with 7.5% vapable blackcurrant along with 2% FA black pearl, 3% ice menthol and 0.5% inawera anise.
I really want to find that tart blackcurrant just like the vampire vapes produces but at a better price (the cost is more than 3 times as much as tfa, inw and fa for the amount it produces).
I’ve learned this the hard way. Got my inw blackcurrant and mixed 2%, didn’t taste great so added another 2%. It tasted terrible. Then I read that it needs at least 2-3 weeks steep and a good air and after that it’s one of the best. Only another 2 weeks to go and it’ll be 21days and hoping it’ll vape great.
It had cloud chasers written on the label but can’t remember the brand. It tastes good. Being a vimto it should be blackcurrant, Grape and raspberry but which brand of flavours can be tough to work out. Then when you finally work out which company it is the rest comes down to working out the ratio of ingredients, which I think will be mainly blackcurrant with just a touch of Grape and raspberry.
If you do find a way to clone it please let us know as I’d love to try it.
Tastes very much like a vimto flavour from one of the cloud chaser companies, i forget which. I’m yet to try it replacingraspberry with raspberry sweet. Also vv blackcurrant mixed with a little vapable blackcurrant, aniseed and menthol makes a nice mix as well. Think i used 10% vv, 7% vapable, 3% menthol and 1.5% anise.