OSub Plus, little beasts of vapor

What’s up vapers!
SirRisc here with another gear review!

This OSub Plus kit was sourced from Smoktech!


It seems that I struggle to keep Smok out of my daily rotation lately and I’m honestly not even mad about that.
In fact I quite like the fact that there’s a company out there releasing one good mod after another, without having to break the bank.
Because let’s be fair here, most of the mods Smok has put on the market in the passed 6 months or so have been very affordable.
Taking into account that most of their mods offer a lot of functionality and keep with approximately the same menus and powerlevels, I’d say they’re doing very well.

One of their latest released mods is the OSub Plus, a rather small and pocketable mod with a built-in battery.
The kit includes a Brit tank which uses the baby TFV8 coilheads, making it a complete setup.
Let’s have a look at how it performs!

Smok OSub Plus kit


  • 80W maximum power output
  • Temperature control for Ni, Ti, and SS
  • Adjustable TCoR and Initial Resistance
  • 3300mAh battery
  • Firmware upgradeable
  • Springloaded 510 connection measuring 25mm in diameter
  • 24mm/3.5ml Brit Beast Tank included
  • Available in black, red, white, blue and stainless (silver)


NOTE: My personal life has changed quite a bit in the passed few weeks and I will have less time to write in the near future.
I’m not going to stop reviewing gear anytime soon but rather go about it in a different way.
As I’ve grown over the last 2 years in my reviews, I’ve decided the best course of action is to shorten them a little bit to save time, while still retaining the vital information.
Considering the amount of information I write down, I’m going to eliminate the less important factors like packaging.
I will still include photos of the packaging and make notes on things I deem important enough, but I won’t describe the packaging anymore.
This saves me a little bit of time in writing, which I can use to focus on more important matters.


The OSub Plus is one of the few mods Smok has released with a built-in battery.
This means the mod is limited to USB charging, but that doesn’t mean it has to suffer from lower performance or functionality.
In fact, it does pretty much everything I expect a modern mod to do.
It delivers a maximum power output of 80W, it does temperature control for Ni, Ti, and SS316, and it has an adjustable TCoR as well as adjustable initial resistance.
Considering this is a kit, it also includes a tank… Smok has chosen to include the Brit Beast tank in this kit and it does what it says on the box.
It’s a beast, albeit a small beast.

The battery has a capacity rating of 3300mAh, and it does seem to last quite long at average wattages.
When you push the power upwards to its maximum however, the batterylife does start to suffer and the vape becomes anaemic when the battery drops below 50%.
Obviously this is because the battery sags a bit and struggles to deliver the power.
At a slightly lower wattage the problem was less apparent and the mod kept performing well until the battery dropped below 10%.
At 45W the battery lasted me well over a day, which means the mod does qualify as a carry-along for me.

The temperature control is the exact same as in the previous Smok mods I’ve reviewed (Quantum, R-Steam, Koopor Mini V2, etc).
It has functionality for a custom TCoR and you can adjust the initial resistance if you wish to finetune your experience.
When doing dryburn tests, the only browning or singing of the cotton was seen with SS316.
With previous mods this was also the case and could be resolved by using the custom TCoR to a slightly lower setting, making the TC slightly more sensitive.

The display and adjustement buttons are on the side of the device instead of the spine, which was done to make room for the large firebutton that takes up the entire spine of the mod.
It’s well rounded and extremely comfortable in the hand, but it does suffer from one issue…
The big button has tiny edges to it on top to allow the button to be pressed, and those tiny edges can snag up some dirt after a while.
After carrying the mod around for about two weeks, I had to grab a toothpick and poke out a bit of pocketlint.
The mod never misfired or anything, but it did hinder the tactile feedback of the big button a bit.

The included tank is a new series from Smok called the Brit Beast.
And make no mistake, when Smok says beast they mean beast.
The Brit Beast comes with two V8 Baby Q2 coilheads, both dual coils at 0.4ohm.
With a capacity of 3.5ml the Brit Beast isn’t the biggest tank, but the coils are a lot more frugal in their consumption than the bigger variants for the TFV8.


NOTE: As with the packaging, I will shorten this segment of my reviews quite a bit by letting the photos speak for themselves.
I realise this might be a huge change but I doubt it will affect the quality of my reviews.
After all a photo says a lot more about the aesthetics of a device than words can ever do.

Pros and Cons.


  • 3300mAh battery lasts long at lower wattages
  • Extremely comfortable firebutton
  • Small mod, easily pocketable
  • Bright display
  • All modern functionality is included
  • Comes with a Brit Beast tank
  • Brit Beast tank has good flavor/vapor ratio
  • Firmware upgradeable


  • Firebutton can gather pocketlint/dirt
  • Brit Beast tank can be hard to take apart
  • Coilheads could be improved, burn out after ±1.5 weeks
  • Silicone gaskets are a bit tight the first time, they need to be lubed

In conclusion.

The Smok OSub Plus is definitely a nice piece of kit, and it does what it’s supposed to do.
Whether or not it has a place in most vapers collections is another matter, since so many of us choose mods with exchangeable batteries over built-in batteries.
Regardless the OSub is a great mod to have, and I’d actually miss grabbing it along in the morning when I leave for work.
I do prefer running a different tank like the TF-RTA on it but the Brit Beast is certainly not a bad tank either, it’s just a matter of personal preference.
Overall the OSub Plus kit is a complete and well built kit. If you’re looking for a decent daily use mod that isn’t too big, this might be a good contender!

In closing I would like to thank Smoktech for sending out the OSub Plus kit!
Thanks for reading, join me next time as I take a look at a couple of UK made liquids from Zap! Juice… Tasty stuff.

Need to reach me? Head over to my website.
Interested in what I vape daily? Check out my Instagram.
Want to know more about DIY? Head over to ELR.

#staycloudy !

SirRisc disappears in a cloud of lychee scented vapor

DISCLAIMER: This review is based on personal opinions and is not intended as a promotion, endorsement or advertisement.
The publisher is not sponsored, affiliated or compensated in any way.


Thanks @SirRisc for the info, another shiny review. I too have been seeing all these new Mods and kits from Smok and wondered. That Brit Beast tank is being included on many. Your reviews was the only one I’ve seen with a real close up exploded view which quelled my curiosity (coils). It is what it is (OSub), and while a 3 battery DNA200 mod might kill it all-round, it’ll also slowly-but-surely pull your pants off at work (when pocketed) :wink: This OSub looks pretty cool!

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Awesome review @SirRisc as always, for those that haven’t already, head over to his website and bookmark it :wink:

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Nice review @SirRisc! as always :grin::ok_hand:, I’m a big fan of the full length fire button after owning the Priv and the X cube II, and also a massive fan of smok tanks, all good brother :wink::thumbsup: