Edit: Changed the name of the thread so I can keep posting random flavor producers.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this flavor distributor’s name pop up anywhere. They’re concentrated food grade flavor, says water soluble and no sweetener added. I see they have a crunch berry flavor. Anybody ever try anything from them?
Going off some of the names, my first thought is TPA rebranding, with maybe FW. I don’t 100% know and I also didn’t see water soluble or what the flavor is suspended in. I’m half asleep so I may have missed it.
Delosi is hit or miss for good flavorings. Do some note searching before you buy. I own 3, coconut, white chocolate and vanilla cream and they are all good. Their coconut is in my top 3.
In my experience, it’s easier/better to create your own things such as strawberry lemonade or, for instance, strawberry shortcake or strawberries and cream. Especially if you’re a pledge taster or sb mute, which I have no idea if you are, but personally creating my own “things “ work better. Just a thought.
I think I came across that website. It looks to be specifically for adding extra flavor to weed. Not exactly sure how that one works. That price is pretty crazy though. It looks like their flavors are all natural. I suppose they can get away with charging way more money because of their target market.