Over flavoring A Reminder

Yeah OK I get it now. Too much flavor with certain brands and not enough of the other. But before you throw away your juice as toxic chemical waste that threatens to burn out your left lung… Mix plain pg vg nic as you like it in a 200ml bottle. Anything that’s chemical to the taste after a couple weeks steep but you sense something good behind it just add 20percent of your base. Some of mine I’ve done 50percent and landed up with AMAZING juice. I’m sure this has been said may times on the forums but here’s a new topic to push it to the top :slight_smile:


I’ve done similar to that with a few of my test batches. One flavor it didn’t work for though, at least for me, is Alpine Strawberry. 1 drop ruined a 30ml batch. Worked around it to 50ml and it was no better. Gawd what a retched flavor!