
question for you veterans:
is it possible to overwick a dripper?
is it possible to put too much cotton/wick in your dripper?

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I can only reply with what works for me…
When I first started I was told to make a “pillow” under the coil and I did that for months. It really doesn’t work too well as the pillow soaks up more than it can wick to the coil. I then made them slimmer and only allowed the ends to touch the wells. Worked a little better but it would burn the wick if not completely saturated. What I do now is a method that someone posted here not to long ago (Sorry, can’t remember who it was). Cut your strip, peel off the top “thick” layer and gently pull the remainder outwards to make it wide. Roll it and stuff it into the coil and cut it after making sure the ends just touch the bottom of the well. It really holds the juice and I have yet to have a dry hit. I can usually take 13 - 15 hits before I have to re-drip. Works great for short drives in the car. If I can find the video, I’ll post it.

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It sure is possible.if its too tight you wil get 1-2 drags before dry hit and next time the cotton will take more time to soak up. If you like it dry than tighty that thing up and bring on the formaldehydes!!

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That’s the one! Works great for me.

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With drippers I tend to cut my wick so it just sits in the juice well rather than having to tuck any into the juice well.

As you can see just enough to touch the deck.


ya see, i always saw and heard people creating a bed of cotton under the coil and i always felt i was losing my juice…
i’m rewicking all my decks as soon as i get home! thanks everybody!