Percentage Help For Sweet Thick Vanilla Custard?

Ya i think it will end up being very vanilla but that may be the desired result - it will fight the custard a little but I think maybe everything could come down a few points


you got use to RF lmao just messing with you ya my initial suggestion was fairly low but i was bored a couple weeks ago and made a vanilla vape i just grabbed like 8 things that were vanilla and its smelling like heaven i tested it and it needed something else so i added some marshmallow my point is we never know till we try right ill pm you it later

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I will let you know in about 3 to 4 weeks.

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i look forward to it im gonna mix ul the one i put up at first just because im now interested and why not ill let you know about that one

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You are correct I am finding them my go to atm. I have to say vc v1 is still a fav.

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