Perfumer's Apprentice (TPA) Menthol Liquid %

Hey !
I’m fuming !

I’ve used the flavor TPA Menthol Liquid (PG) for years. The ratio of flavor was always (for me) 12-13 drops per 10mL. I did some Maths and it’s equivalent to 3%, which is something I found if the other Notes.

Recently, I had to buy it from a different seller and I didn’t realize they recommend to mix it at around 15%-20% which is 5-7 times more product.
So I did my mix with 3% flavor and I doesn’t taste anything.

I am alone in that situation ?

Thanks !

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It probably depends on where you bought the last order, but it sounds as if they may have sold you a diluted bottle. I’ve used TPA Menthol in the past and it is usually strong and the recommended single flavor usage is Single flavor recommendation: Average: 3.4% (Median: 2.0%) so your normal usage is right on par. I would order a new bottle from a reputable seller.

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Thanks ! <3