====Peruvian Cactus Apple====

Rupert, I don’t have any Sweet strawberry but would like to try this.
Strawberry FW
Ripe Straberry TPA
And Strawbeery TPA is what I have on hand. Would any of these work as a sub and if so what percentages would you change?

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Gonna give this a shot tomorrow… sounds lovely!

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Hi @TheTinMan1 :slight_smile: I would sub it for TFA Ripe. It wont be exactly the same, but still close enough.
The strawberry isn’t a prominent flavour in this mix, but helps as a ‘backbone’ of sorts to add a sweetness and more depth to the apple :slight_smile:

@iliketohideincloset awesome :slight_smile: please let me know your thoughts.

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Thank you, Rupert!

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No problems at all mate :slight_smile:

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I just mixed it up and gave it a good shake. So far I really like it. The cactus seems a bit dominant to me…

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Thanks @iliketohideincloset :slight_smile: At 1% the cactus is a forward flavour, but that was part of the intent of the recipe :slight_smile:

Stones? I’m not familiar with that term… I gave up on flavors for almost a year and just vaped strait base lol saved a bunch of money but was missing out on a ton of stuff… now I’m back into the swing of things, got my scale some empty bottles and still have quite a few old flavors from when I gave up plus a few mews I recently purchased… baby steps this time doing a bunch of single flavor batches to get the taste of everything and try to take notes :slight_smile:

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So where can I get some of this Cactus flavor from? I have placed my last three orders with OSDIY but they don’t have that flavor lol

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Inawera Cactus is the most popular and a stone or flavor base is where you mix multiple flavea to create one , this allows you to maximize the amount of flaves in a recipe while keeping percentage low usually made with creams /custard flaves


@Jayrell Inawera Cactus is the one (labelled as KAKTUS).
I am not in the US< but I do know that GremlinDIY and BullCity both stock it :slight_smile:


Sweet thanks! looks like I found it at a US vendor I havnt ordered from in a long while

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So after a little steep this starts to shine… I am really enjoying this! Great recipe!

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Thank you :slight_smile: I appreciate your feedback.

A good one Rupert.I substituted TFA dragon fruit for the inawara and still a good shake and vape.I will let it sit for a week and I bet it will be outstanding.

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So after 10 days steep, here are my thoughts.

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner. This stuff is very good. Do I sound surprised? Well I am. Here’s why.

INW Dragon Fruit. I’ve not liked it with my limited experience. I love both TPA and CAP versions, and therefor that’s what I base my judgment on. So no, I’m not a INW DF fan. Surprise #1

Next, Fuji. It’s a good flavor but one I find often has a background note that is too musky, or dry, or whatever word accurately describes the off taste I get many times with it. Not here. That’s surprise #2.

Finally, I was kind of expecting the cactus to dominate. It really doesn’t. In most other fruit mixes 1% Cactus would overpower the mix. So surprise #3.

Very nice job here Rupert. Proud of ya man! And thanks for the share.


@Rupert or anyone else who has made this recipe… So I have wanted to try this one out ever since you posted it I even bookmarked it… Did a couple of flavor orders last week and made sure I had Cactus lol… I forgot the Dragon Fruit!!! do you mind checking my stash out and seeing if anything I have might be a suitable replacement?? Today is mixing day!!

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SOLD! I will mix it before bed tonight


Jayrell mine is but one man’s opinion, but I think the INW Dragon Fruit is essential to the mix if you want to replicate it. Others have used TPA and said they like the mix, but I promise you they aren’t tasting Rupert’s recipe in the slightest. INW DF is unique. I honestly don’t like it much and this recipe is the only one I’ve had where it doesn’t make me gag :slight_smile: If you want Rupert’s genuine recipe you’ll need to pick up the INW flavor.

EDIT To actually answer your question, personally I don’t see anything in your stash that would make a good sub. I think you could try the Pomegranate but it won’t be the same at all.

Now here’s my opinion - I think CAP Dragonfruit is probably the closest you’d find to INW. But I absolutely LOVE CAPs version and will be making a variation of this recipe using it at some point. I think it would be wonderful.

One other suggestion. If you do get the INW DF so you can make this, try getting a small bottle. I don’t think it’s a flavor that will see much playtime in your mixing. Again, just my opinion.

Well alrighty then. :thumbsup:


I kind of figured that would be the answer I really do appreciate your input! I will have to hold off on trying this one a bit longer grrr but I will get around to it after my next order… if the wife doesn’t kill me first lol I just spent 150 on flavors lol