Well, sadly, like I said, I’ve no recipes that In really want to share as yet, not cos I’m mean, but cos they’re neither complex nor awesome. I’m still trying to tweak 'em, whilst waiting weeks and weeks and weeks for the latest experiment to steep.
Right now, I’m feling really , really glum, after my latest tasting session! Just about everything in the latest batch, was either weak to point where I wasn’t sure what i was tasting, or else they tasted downright peculiar. This included a couple of things that tasted nice a few days ago…heck, I wonder if I’m coming down with vaper’s tongue?
Sadly, Open Source Vapor fell victim to the impossible new laws , or else i could point you in their direction. OSV made totally PG free juice, and all the recipes were openly posted on the site! I wonder if Josh (the owner) still has the recipes up , somewhere? I learned quite a lot from reading his posts on ECF, and from corresponding with him a bit.
Well, anyway, here’s OSV’s thread on ECF, maybe you can find some useful info there?
You’re doing better than I am with finding recipes on here, anyways. I’ve entered 48 concentrates into my online stash (not quite all my concentrates, just all I had time and energy to enter so far) and…wait for it/… there are 2 recipes i can make with that lot, apparently. Both and single flavour aaaaaand… one of them PG in it. Aaaand… it was posted by a guy who mixed it up, shook it, tasted it three hours later, noted that it tasted of nothing as yet, then got totally bored with the experiment , it would seem