Pharaoh RDA Deck technology

What do you guys/gals think of the new spring deck on the RDA Pharaoh? Next big thing or passing fad? I’m pretty impressed with, it looks really convenient. Share your thoughts! :slight_smile:

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Is it single coil only? Never have cared for single, looks nifty tho.


Seems like a good deck for big single coils or 2 small dual coils.


I was just reading a post from @Beaufort_Batches about the Pharaoh in another thread , hopefully he can tell us about it here.

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well, I’ve just won one with Heavens gifts so I’ll let you know all in good time :wink::+1:


You can put a single coil on it with 20 wraps if you wanted to. It’s a simple build device and it produces vapor and flavor like no dripper tank I have ever bought, and I have about all of the high end devices.Still doesn’t beat some of my RTA flavor set ups but it blows away most any of my RDTAs away in vapor production. Super thick vapor with high VG e-liquids I use. You can dual coil the Pharoah but I just ran 12 wraps 3m diameter SS Fused Clapton coil and 80wt pulls about take my breath it’s such dense vapor. I had to turn it down and I won’t build this big next time, not with claptons anyway. It’s a nice looking and workhorse of a device. I like it for some of my liquids, but I don’t prefer it over everything vapwise. It is well worth having and no body will likely regret buying this. I’m really digging it…


Think the spring deck is gonna be how the velocity was and showin up on every tank for the next year haha


Watching videos on this it seems the spring loading is more gimicky than anything. The only functionality is seems to have is opening the clamping mechanism as you unscrew it - which really seems a necessity with the design. Just think what loading this thing with coils would be like if it wasn’t spring-loaded. :slight_smile: I’ve always imagined a spring load where the springs actually create the contact. Think along the lines of how many speakers use a spring-loaded connector. Probably not feasible though for something so small that needs a very solid connection.


Whats is also a good draw that I have found with the spring clamp deck feature is that you can take one build out and save it, put in a new one. Then another day, change it out and put the old one on it because the clamp action doesn’t not burr up or booger up your wire. This feature makes cleaning your wire much easier as well as I have done so.


It’s definitely innovative and going in the direction these things need to go. I think where they need to be is tool-less, where the user can install the coils without relying on the head of a tiny screw to hold up or the itty bitty threads either. I think a clamp type mechanism is the right idea, but one that isn’t reliant on yet another little screws. The Pharaoh seems to be a step in the right direction.


I never actually thanked you publicly for fixing my perspective on this. Looks like a use it til it breaks sorta nice thing, I’ve no problem with that lol.


THIS TANK IS THE SH_T! Received it yesterday threw in 5mmx9mm Notch coil, topped it off with my daddy’s yogurt, No leaks, No gurgles, No dry hits! refilling it is a breeze. IMHO Mr Trippers did a great job.


Bump for @BoDarc and others building on this and finding a great vape from it.

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Fire truck, are you serious? Another tank on the list.

I need a loan. Bank manager not going to be impressed.

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Right up you ally. Digiflavor is a Geek Vape company. One of the many reasons I got this.

the lynx is the little bro i believe , without rip tripper pulling a royalty lol im all for that , the lynx will be my next rda based off @Pugs1970 review


Not so much into RTAs and stuff but of the 3 i own the Pharaoh is definitely ,my favorite. I wish it had an even bigger capacity/tank. The deck is perfect for me. Only issue for me is spit back. Even with the drip tip with the protection i have to clean the drip tip every 10 puffs or so.

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Meh, I really don’t care who gets paid as long as I get a great vape.


thats what makes opinions so great we are all entitled to our own :wink:


Very true. :wink:

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