Wow, that’s damn good! 'Specially the third one. Haven’t drawn in years. When I was a teen, my mother found my stash of playboy mags. When she saw my drawings of some of the gals, she tried to enroll me in an art class, but I wasn’t 18 and they had live nudes.
I was like, So what? Lemme know when the dudes are coming and I’ll skip that class!
OOps! I lied. THIS was my first one:
Here’s a few more. I haven’t made a lot, they take so long.
Just to the right of the carronade (A short range canon) and just above, you’ll see some 3 holed “Pullies’” called a dead-eye. Those contraptions below started as a straight wire. One must be creative to figure out how to make them. I put a couple finishing nails into a small 2X4, wrapped them around and used a wire cutter to remove the excess. These wire cutters are good for maybe 8 to 10 cuts, before they get a notch in them from cutting the wire. Hard steal, too.
That’s extremely impressive. I don’t have the patience to do anything like that.
Some schematics, use a. Manual? No, read the schematics. Can’t really do it anymore. I get frustrated trying to remember what to do next.
Plus my freaking hips need to be replaced with some Chromium Alloy.
Ha! Patience. These days I got 'em, but not so much with the X wife. We were at an X-mas party of a year. One of my co-workers, an elderly woman had a crush on me. (I think) I was a Network Engineer/Support desk kinda guy.
The woman says to my wife, “You’re so lucky. Your husband is SO patient”. The x points to me and says, “THIS is MY husband!”
The woman, mid-sixties, would call me over the Intercom. “Brian! I need you!” Every single time she complained that her “un-do” button in MS word was greyed out. The document would be blank. I tried to explain, that before you can un-do something, yo have to DO something!
I think she just liked the shape of my ass.
Poor kitty? POOR KITTY?!!! Screw that A-hole. I should have put him on the grill!
Tried to re-home it, but no one was interested. Spayed, vaccinated and all. We have a couple of facebook feeds in our small town of 20,000 humans. Not ONE response!
Thank you! The Constitution. I made a plastic model of her many many moons ago. Hell of a lot easier!
Next time (and if I remember) I’ll take some photo’s of what the models start out as. The hulls are planked. Usually, approximately 1/4" tall by maybe 3/32" thick by whatever length necessary. Since most are from Europe, it’s all metric.
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Now, let me get this straight. Hour before sunrise in Portland Or. Between 6:30 and 7:30 am? And you were consuming your “adult beverage,” and you were able to setup an SLR on a tripod? Either your tolerance to alcohol is WAY more than mine, (Which is not inconsiderable) or you started damned early. Or late.
And if you started that early your drinking problem is even worse than mine. Not that I have a problem drinking mind you… Root beer and spiced rum goes down REAL easy. And for you non shipaholics, Admiral Nelsons Spiced rum is $13/half gallon, whereas Captain Morgan is $30! At least in California.
How-some-ever! Having spent the first 40 years of my life in Michigan, I can assure you that when it warms UP TO 30 degrees, we’re in t-shirts and shorts. Okay, so what time of year was that, and what’s the coldest temperature you’ve deal with.
And again, that is a stunning photo! Great job!