Please help me to choose mod

So, friend, what do you think about my pick of Charon??

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m8… for charger the ones recommended are X-tar and Nitecore… seriously they are working great :slight_smile: Mooch is recommending them too… don’t try to save a few dollars on chargers and batteries.

the LG HG2 is brown… and it’s 3000maH at 20A … there is no LG HG2 at 30A…
on 30A you should check like LG HB5 for example… (they’re yellow) but they’re only 1500 MaH…
for the range of watts you want to use, HG2’s are great…
still at the range of watts you want to work with HG2 is the greatest choice imho…

now for the “2” you wrote…
well… i am a fun of dual coil building… i don;t even remember when was the last time i built a single coil for myself… just recomended the Pharaoh… it comes with a single deck … but with a few extra bucks you have an option to buy extra decks for velocity, postless etc… there are 5 decks in overall… :slight_smile:

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I have heard some good things about it. Seems like a solid choice for the midrange priced mods. Over the predator it is a no brainer.

If you ever want to completely change your vaping experience check out some PWM box mods.


man… if a mod delivers power correctly without losses…

let’s compare just a a mod with a regulater that works with a kinda big loss of power because of the circuit… with a dna that works with like a 3-5% power loss (because it has a better quality) yes, compared on same watts the dna on SAME watts the will give better flavor probably because it delivers MORE power in reality the first one…and i guess you can figure out the reason… the era of using low watt mods has been ended (like 20 and 30 watts)… now with mods that exceed even the 200 watts and since we vape mostly at the range of like 60-100Watts mostly just raising the watts a little will bring the same result…

in mech mods, yes i will agree with you BUT this is a matter of what they have made… like Copper works better than stainless steel (less loss) and here we go again on the power delivery loss (and how the batteries perform in general)… but in regulated mods you can just adjust the watts a lil lower or higher depending on occasion and there you are…

You are all over the place and I am having trouble keeping up.

There are quite a few people here that vape under 30w. That era is not over, nor will it ever be. The average smoker isn’t going to start on a 200w mod either. They will start with a MTL deliver low wattage.

Higher end mods will perform better be it regulated or a tube mech.

But what I was pointing out is that there are mods out there that will improve flavor and improve your vaping experience. To say a mod has nothing to do with flavor is ludicrous.


Right, so I will choose Nitecore D2 for These LG batteries.

I never go over 30w. I can understand why @Amorphia feels like the mod won’t affect the flavor so I’m not ragging on you, just maybe helping OP with a little clarity.

So the mod itself doesn’t directly affect the juice or flavor but the way the mod works with your tank or coils will so yes, indirectly it will. If the mod is shitty it’s not going to give the best result no matter how good your coils are.

For example, I have one recipe that’s a light, delicate melon with hints of kiwi at 20w but when I’m in the mood for something stronger, this same recipe at 30w is bold tart kiwi-melon with hints of peach. If my mod isn’t accurate with these fine adjustments, my recipe is going to suck half the time.

Am I getting this right @TheTinMan1 ? I haven’t slept and maybe shouldn’t be posting, lol.


Sorry to derail this a little bit.

This here actually shows how little you really know about this.
Sure copper is a better conductor than SS in most cases i can agree to that but saying a copper mod is a better mod due to the material chosen is just plain bullshit.

If you got a bad switch in a copper mod a SS mod with a good switch will out perform that copper mod due to less voltage drop. And another thing is all the different qualities on copper which in turn will lead to copper mods with less conductive characteristics and the same goes with brass.

I for one would appreciate if you could stop regurgitate things you know nothing about.

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You are doing fine Hobbits.

I want the OP to get the best advice he or she can on choosing a mod.


What do you think about pharaon by digiflavor vs Ammit dual coil ?

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Tricky to wick on both. Flavor is on point for both.

Once you get the wicking part down you are good. Hang on and I will find you a thread that helps with wicking those RTAs


So Ammit sometimes cries ;/

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Never go over 10 watts, personally. To the OP, no one can pick your sweet spot except you.


It does weep a bit.

Most of those styles do. I like the Reload RTA. Neat little tank the only time it weeps is after a refill.but that is a quick wipe up. I recommend it. 3fvape has a clone of it made by kindbright.

It is $12 and if you pay a little extra for ePacket shipping for a few dollars more you get it in about 10 days.

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o right it’s look like that everything is fine :slight_smile: thanks a lot for help to everyone!!!

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it’s a final version :slight_smile:

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That evic primo lasted me a month before it died, also, the predator (wismec in general) have a lot of wiring issues along with 510 issues. I would pick the charon




There is something special about a good PWM mod. I only have experience with the NLPWM board on LiPo and it’s about the same leap in flavor DNA TC made over power and older VV mods.

Basically the “switches” (they’re called FETs) in these mods have MUCH lower resistance than any mechanical switch. LiPo batts have MUCH lower resistance than Li-ion and are typically 3 cells in series. The result is that you deliver more power to the coil faster than any other type of mod. Like a copper mech mod on massive steroids. Why that makes the flavor so much better…I can’t really say, but it most definitely does make an obvious difference to my palate. . .I vape around 150W, so I have no idea if that translates to 30W.

For reasons that I have no hypotheses for, the PWM mods do not dry hit like a mech. That one really puzzles me.

If you run TC, I definitely find DNA and to a slightly lesser extent Yihi boards taste better and are more consistent than other manufacturers.

sorry to derail