I experienced the same problem when I quit and began to vape.
I certainly can’t say that this is the answer but do know in my case it seemed, because I smoked a lot that the nicotine helped my energy level.
I was found to have Type 2 which can be controlled.
Just a suggestion to look into…its possible, I would believe that one might not actually have crossed the line over to diabetes but can be on the border but the sleepiness was a sign for me.
They can take a blood test to see if your blood sugar is elevated and if so, then they do a second test, where you have your blood taken, drink a bottle of some liquid and then they take ur blood again about 2 hours later and that will give you the yes or no answer.
If you are close to middle age and were a smoker, there’s a good chance your lifestyle was not the healthiest for one or many reasons. If you are overweight that too can add to it but it’s not a given for i am not but had it anyhow.
In any event, I am not a doctor so you would be best asking your what he/she thinks. Beyond that I personally couldn’t imagine what else would make you tired?
When one quits though, besides the lungs clearing up, all sorts of other things happen that you don’t expect.
Let me give you an example.
I have rare bouts of vertigo. Rare because I know what triggers the few I did have, and that is sleeping on my left hand side at night. I started to sleep ONLY on my back but that can encourage sleep apnea. When that was first mentioned to me, I laughed. I wasn’t overweight and as far as I knew, I slept like a baby.
Didn’t notice any difference at first when I began to use the mask but after 2-3 months, once I had really caught up and was sleeping perfectly again, I noticed how awful I felt in the morning if I did not sleep with it.
So, I did not sleep without it and came to love this mask. Still do.
BUT…I noticed in May and September, throughout the two months, where I live it’s hay fever season.
Every night in those two months, I would fall asleep and within 45-60 minutes, while deep in sleep, I would become stuffed up and would rip the mask off of my head, sleep through the night and felt awful the next day. Assumed I had hay fever and tried every trick in the book to alleviate the stuffiness but none worked.
Long story short, as soon as I stopped smoking and began to vape, the stuffiness went away and the next May and September, I dreaded, believing I would feel awful daily after ripping the mask off nightly but I never did. To this day I have never been stuffed up again, nor ripped the mask off and sleep better than I have my whole life now. But I promise you that I really did think I slept better than most.
In any event, the nose stuffiness was not hay fever but allergies to one chemical or another in the cigarettes.
Point? You never know what you will discover. Once you quit all sorts of minor annoyances go away but one never realizes at the time they are caused by smoking.
I would speak to your doctor. Diabetes or not, you should not be tired otherwise, unless there is something else going on.
Whatever it is, it won’t be bad. Diabetes is manageable. It takes just a bit more work but you will be healthier with diabetes than you will without, as a smoker IF of course that was what you had. It could be anything.
You need to see your doctor and find out what’s creating this sleepiness you are now discovering,